Billionaire business titan Frank Stronach facing another eight sex charges

The 91-year-old auto industry magnate was originally charged earlier this month with five sex charges based on claims from three women

The 91-year-old auto industry magnate was originally charged earlier this month with five sex charges based on claims from three women alleging incidents as recently as last year and as far back as 1980.

He now faces eight additional criminal charges, at least one dating back even further.

“Investigators from the Peel Regional Police Special Victims Unit have identified additional victims and additional charges have been laid,” said Const. Tyler Bell-Morena of Peel police.

“On June 26, 2024, Frank Stronach was arrested and charged with eight additional criminal offences, attempt rape, indecent assault on a female and six times sexual assault.”

Through his lawyer, Stronach denied the new allegations as well as the previous ones.

“Mr. Stronach denies and will vigorously defend these further untested allegations dating back to 1977,” Brian Greenspan said in a written statement.

“He has spent his lifetime committed to the betterment of the Canadian community and industry. He plans to continue to devote his energy and resources to his work advocating for the adoption of a Canadian Economic Charter of Rights to benefit workers, small businesses, family farmers, and the Canadian economy.”

Stronach was first arrested on June 7.

The previous charges, as detailed in court documents, include rape, indecent assault, forcible confinement, and sexual assault relating to three alleged victims in three different time periods.

In July 1980 he allegedly had sex with a woman without her consent. (In accordance with the rape law in place at the time, the charge must specify that the woman was not his wife.) Police allege a charge of indecent assault stems from the same time frame involving the same victim.

Charges of sexual assault and forcible confinement stem from allegations involving a second woman in February 1986.

A charge of sexual assault comes from allegations by a third woman dating to April 2023.

He was informed of them June 7, according to court documents when he agreed not to communicate with any of the three complainants and to turn in his passport.

Police did not say how many complainants were connected with the new charges or the time frame for the alleged incidents.

Stronach became a famous business figure over decades as the founder of Magna International, an automobile parts company that became a global juggernaut, making Stronach a billionaire famous for sharing his strong views on politics, the economy and business.

Stronach, in his official memoir published in 2012, presents his legacy this way: “I built a company from scratch that is today recognized as the premier automotive supplier in the world … generating close to $30 billion in annual sales, with no debt and $1 billion cash sitting in the bank. The company produces parts for virtually every car and truck on the road today.”

As a vocal opponent of the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement, he resigned as CEO of Magna in 1988 — but kept control of the firm — to run as a Liberal candidate in the federal election.

He lost the election and returned to Magna.

In 1997, he was paid as much as the bosses of all the big three automakers — General Motors, Ford and Chrysler — combined and said he deserved it because he was smarter and worked harder than all of them.

Stronach has a court date in Brampton scheduled for July 8.

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