South Carolina cop demoted for using city cameras to track wife he suspected of cheating with fellow officer

A snooping South Carolina police officer was knocked down in rank for using local city-wide cameras to spy on his wife who he suspected was cheating on him with his colleague.

Ryan Terrell — a former North Charleston Police Department lieutenant — abused his power to track down his wife on at least three occasions before he unearthed the alleged affair in a Target parking lot, according to a report from the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy Notice of Disciplinary Action obtained by WCSC.

Terrell’s clandestine behavior was revealed after he allegedly threatened to harm a sergeant suspected of having a romantic relationship with his wife on April 11.

Ryan Terrell — a former lieutenant with the City of North Charleston — admitted to using the department-owned security cameras to spy on his wife. NCPD

Terrell had caught wind of his wife’s alleged illicit relationship earlier that day, according to the outlet.

He then aired his anger to several of his colleagues, who reported him to the Office of Professional Standards after they became concerned he may follow through with his apparent threat.

The allegation of violence led officials to investigate Terrell.

But after investigators interviewed Terrell, his wife, and the sergeant, it was deemed to be an empty threat.

During the probe, however, Terrell admitted he told his wife he’d go to jail if he caught her.

Terrell used the cameras to spy on his wife after suspecting her of cheating on him. NCPD

The dubious cop fessed up to using department-owned cameras around the city to tail his wife.

Terrell claimed he only did so because he was concerned for his wife’s safety, according to the disciplinary action report.

However, further analysis by investigators showed he excessively used the cameras to spy on her.

Terrell’s behavior was revealed after Terrell reportedly threatened to harm the sergeant on April 11. Facebook/North Charleston Police Department

Records state that the suspicious officer reportedly used the live feed to spy on his wife on at least three separate occasions, according to the outlet.

Data logs even revealed that Terrell accessed the cameras the day he unearthed his wife’s alleged affair in a Target parking lot.

Terrell had easy access to the devices since he oversaw the city’s camera system.

Terrell was demoted to Master Patrol Officer and given six months probation over his distrustful behavior.

Terrell had easy access to the devices since he oversaw the city’s camera system. NCPD

He was also removed from his position as the camera system’s overseer and had his access to the technology stripped away.

The officer was then busted down to the Patrol Division.

Terrell’s career in the criminal justice field started in the US Navy as a Master-at-Arms before he left the service and became a corrections officer at the Charleston County Detention Center, according to his LinkedIn.

He has been with the City of North Charleston police department since September 2008.

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