Netflix horror film is so terrifying 99% of viewers can’t finish it

A still from Netflix horror film Verónica
There’s another film to chill you to your bones on Netflix (Picture: Netflix)

Netflix is home to a horror film so frightening, only one in every 100 viewers are said to have been able to finish it.

As a streaming platform, Netflix caters to a wide variety of movies that inspire terror in fans – but this one has flown under the radar since it came out.

Finished in 2017 and quietly released online the following year, Spanish film Verónica has terrified viewers, with many calling it ‘the scariest film ever made’.

Even more ominously, the movie – which depicts the summoning of a demon during a solar eclipse – is actually inspired by the true story of the Vallecas case, which has passed into Spanish myth and pop culture.

In 1991, a teenage girl reportedly suffered hallucinations and seizures after performing a séance at school to try to contact her friend’s dead boyfriend.

Estefanía Gutiérrez Lázaro later died in unknown circumstances. Spanish police visited her house in 1992, which was allegedly haunted, with reported supernatural instances including the spreading of a stain, loud noises and a crucified Jesus separated from his cross recorded in their report.

A still from the film Veronica on Netflix
Verónica, which was released on Netflix in 2018, is based on a real-life story of an Ouija board seance (Picture: Netflix)

Verónica – directed by REC zombie film franchise co-creator Paco Plaza – starts with an emergency services call from a terrified young girl about something coming to get her brother, before it rewinds three days.

Its titular teenager is inspired by her teacher, who suggests she use a Ouija board during a solar eclipse after the death of her father.

But Verónica starts to experience paranormal occurrences afterwards, with the school’s elderly blind nun telling her she now has a dark spirit attached to her.

A desperate Verónica wishes to repeat the séance to try and rid herself of the demon, but is forced to use her three younger siblings to help her.

As per The Daily Star, Netflix claimed at the time of Verónica’s release that only one in 100 viewers were making it through the whole film, interpreting that as a sign of its potent horror.

Indeed, many who have watched it have confirmed they were pretty terrified.

Lead actor of Netflix film Verónica
Verónica has left viewers petrified (Picture: Netflix)

‘Umm just watched the Spanish horror movie on Netflix Veronica and I legit almost cried [because] it’s so scary, holy s**t,’ tweeted @erincandy.

‘That was a well done possession movie. Never sleeping again.’

‘Started watching Veronica on Netflix (huge REC fan so interested in anything Paco Plaza is involved in) but the demon walking down the hallway scene freaked me out so much I had to turn it off…’ admitted @weyland76.

The UK Netflix X account even got involved itself hyping up Verónica for Halloween in October 2020, sharing: ‘For some reason horror is even scarier in other languages. This Spanish supernatural horror is loosely based on true events which means we’ll never sleep again. So that’s fun.’

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