This is the super-long ballot for the Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection Liberals are worried about

The ballot includes 75 candidates with no party affiliation who haven’t even bothered to campaign

There’s apparently nothing in Canadian election law to prevent dozens of independent candidates from being placed onto a ballot, even if they don’t live in the riding and all list the exact same official agent.

It’s been a safe Liberal seat since 1993, and in the 2021 election went 49.22 per cent for the Liberals, with the Conservatives in second place at 25.3 per cent. But some polls are showing that the riding could go for the Tories, which is why the Liberal Party has thrown absolutely everything they can at a race that should have been a cake walk.
Rumours of a Justin Trudeau resignation are nothing new, but the word is that if the Liberals somehow lose Toronto-St. Paul’s, a panicked caucus might find the backbone to try and force him out.

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