Letters to the Editor: As even the California GOP gains confidence, Democrats should draft Sanders into a leadership role

Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during a U.S. presidential candidates forum in 2019.

Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during a U.S. presidential candidates forum in 2019.
(Joe Raedle / Getty Images)

To the editor: As Democrats struggle with whether to replace Sen. Chuck Schumer as their Senate leader, why not draft Sen. Bernie Sanders to the party and elevate him to that position just like the Republicans did with presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump (“Trump and recent gains give the California Republican Party hope,” March 17)? When the Republicans elected both of them, the mainstream largely hated them but clearly both men succeeded in transforming their party and attracting millions of people. Sanders, a Vermont independent who caucuses with Democrats, is the only figure on the left that does that. Don’t be afraid of him. Embrace him. He may be the only person who can save us from devolving into a facist authoritarian state.

Carole Lutness, Valencia


To the editor: It’s truly hard to believe that California Republicans are so crass as to be willing to align with the obsessive cruelty and rampant ignorance of Trump’s MAGA movement. It’s a very public GOP ethics failure that will cripple them and our nation for years to come.

David Pieri, La Crescenta


To the editor: You put this on the front page? Trump and his lackeys are taking away our civil rights every day: deporting people legally here in the United States, cutting aid to veterans, seniors, the poor, meal programs for children and healthcare. He’s telling us which words we can and cannot use in everyday speech and you cheer him on?

Sheila Winston, West Hills

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