Al Green’s Trump temper tantrum: Letters to the Editor — March 8, 2025

The Issue: The Democrats’ behavior during President Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

After watching the utter disgrace that was the Democratic Party during President Trump’s speech this week, I found myself reflecting on how far the party has sunk (“Disgraceful Dems sinking ever lower,” Miranda Devine, March 6).

Long gone are the days of JFK. On Tuesday, we saw it on full display: a group of people who didn’t have the decency to stand and cheer for a boy who is fighting and winning a battle with cancer and dreams of becoming a law-enforcement officer.

Nor could they rise to recognize and support the broken American families who experienced tragedies thanks to murderers the Democratic Party has welcomed into this country with open arms over the past four years. The display was disgraceful.

Ken Karcinell


Devine is less than kind in her assessment of the Democratic Party’s current condition, but she is spot-on correct.

The party is rudderless, and those who attempt to step forward are the furthest from popular opinion on nearly every issue, exhibiting a strict ideology more like a radical religious cult than a major political party.
The country needs an opposing platform to keep Republicans honest, but the Democratic Party of today ain’t it.

Richard J. Carhidi


Based on their childish behavior during Trump’s address, the new name for the Democrats should be the “Debbie Downers.”

These out-of-touch legislators are against everything Trump proposes, no matter the value. They share one common goal: Resist Trump at all costs, voters be damned.

Anthony Scro


Every day, Democrats hit a new low. Watching their reactions during the president’s speech was depressing.

I could see them not applauding efforts to cut waste and corruption — for, to paraphrase Harry Truman, you cannot get rich in politics unless you’re a crook. But how could they not applaud job-gaining and other prosperity measures initiated by the president?

Their indifference to political prisoners returning and to a young person defeating cancer and fulfilling his aspiration was also stunning.

Nick Di Benedetto

Beverly Hills, Fla.

I doubt I was the only Independent taken aback by the Democrats. Al Green of Texas went beyond the pale of common sense, screaming and shaking his cane in a threatening manner at President Trump at the beginning of his address to Congress.

When Green refused to comply with the standards and protocols of Congress, House Speaker Mike Johnson had him removed — sending a clear message to Democrats that their lawless behavior won’t be tolerated.

Gregory J. Topliff

Aiken, SC

Rep. Green was rightly censured for his deplorable conduct and thrown out of Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress. Perhaps Green should have acted more like the singer who shares his name, and shown Trump and the rest of the country a little more “Love and Happiness.”

Tommy DeJulio

Delray Beach, Fla.

Green was a obvious threat to every member of Congress, as he pranced about shouting incoherently and waving his walking cane.

In his protest, Green went above and beyond. He should not be allowed further access to our Congress.

Jack Condon

Huntington Station

Green’s performance was masterful. It was wonderfully performed. Unfortunately, it was too late for this year’s Oscars. Hopefully, next year the Academy will nominate him for “Best Performance in Fake Spontaneity.”

John E. Dumary, Jr.


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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