Ingrid Lewis-Martin’s outrageous boast shows why voters don’t trust public officials

Want to know, in just 11 words, why New Yorkers no longer trust public officials? 

“Corrections will take care of me. I’ve been good to them.”

That’s what Eric Adams’ ally and former top aide Ingrid Lewis-Martin allegedly said while being investigated for bribe-taking and favor-trading. 

Not: I humbly apologize to the people of the city whose trust I betrayed. 

Not even a simple: Well, ya got me!

But a smarming, smirking, self-pleased croon based on her own sense of impunity to anything resembling real accountability. 

Heck, it’s like she took a page from Joe Biden, another proud aider and abetter of (if not a direct participant in) open criminality. 

Martin’s alleged to have taken more than $100,000 in bribes from two hoteliers in exchange for fast-tracking building permits on their projects, while using her son as an intermediary (and cutting him into the proceeds by buying him a Porsche).

She’s been caught joking about her alleged criminality before: “Your sister has to be rich! I’m gonna retire,” Lewis-Martin reportedly said at one point.

But openly gloating that you’ll face no consequences because you’re in good with the big guys running the prisons is a new level of depravity.

It also speaks to the mindset of at least some key players on Adams’ team since he took office, from Lewis-Martin to ex-Police Commissioner Edward Cabanand ex-Buildings Commissioner Eric Ulrich, not to mention other pols.

And the troubling lack of oversight into what they’re up to. 

Too many elected officials — and their flunkies — adopt the “Laws are for the little people” approach popular among the Bidens, et al. 

The real wonder is how the public can trust any of them. 

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