Lindsay Arnold shows off breast implants after hater says she’ll ‘regret’ surgery

It was the breast decision ever!

Lindsay Arnold flaunted her new breast implants after an internet troll told her she would regret getting the surgery.

The former “Dancing With the Stars” pro, 31, responded to a comment telling her “Don’t do it!!! I regret mine,” in a video shared to her TikTok Wednesday.

Lindsay Arnold clapped back at haters by showing off her breast augmentation results in a TikTok video Wednesday. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

The dance pro was responding to a troll who told her she would “regret” getting the surgery. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

In the clip, Arnold, clad in white pajamas, could be seen jokingly contemplating the operation. The video then cut to footage of the dancer all bandaged up post-operation.

“new 🍒 have entered the chat and zero regrets here 🤩🤩🙌🏼🙌🏼,” she captioned the video.

The blond beauty also posted a follow-up vlog capturing her recovery process the day after her surgery, sharing that she was “super loopy” when she first got home.

“new 🍒 have entered the chat and zero regrets here 🤩🤩🙌🏼🙌🏼,” she wrote in a caption of her TikTok video Wednesday. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

The “DWTS” alum filmed herself taking a peek under her bandages. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

“I’m feeling so much better today. I think I finally slept the anesthesia off which is nice ’cause it was making me loopy, super nauseous. Anytime I stood up I felt like I was going to throw up,” she said, admitting that she did vomit once.

“I feel back to normal,” she added, while reclining in her bed on a propped-up pillow.

Arnold told fans that the pain was “pretty manageable” but proceeded to have breakfast in bed and take a medley of pills.

Arnold vlogged the day of her procedure and shared the experience on TikTok. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

She was seen in a hospital gown getting marked up by her surgeon. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

“See you when I have bigger titties,” she told her fans. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

She then removed her bandages and took a peek at her new chest in the mirror, though she concealed her breasts with watermelon emojis so her viewers couldn’t see the full results.

“I just took a sneak peek, things are looking good. They’re definitely swollen but I see the potential. I’m very happy,” she said.

Arnold proceeded to do her full skincare routine before feeling exhausted and getting back into bed. She had her husband, Sam Cusick, bring her a protein smoothie.

Arnold said she felt “loopy” after the surgery. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

She noted that she wasn’t in too much pain, however. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

Arnold cuddled with her kids the day after her operation. lindsayarnold/Tiktok

The couple’s two young daughters then joined her in bed for some cuddles to cap off her morning.

A day prior, Arnold documented the day of her surgery, from driving to the health clinic with her husband to wearing her hospital gown while awaiting her doctor’s arrival.

Her plastic surgeon, Dr. Chidester, marked her body up ahead of the procedure and was then treated by the anesthesiologist.

Arnold, seen here in December 2024, has wanted a breast augmentation since she was a teen. lindsarnold/Instagram

The TV personality, seen here last October, praised her surgeon, Dr. Chidester. lindsarnold/Instagram

“See you when I have bigger titties,” she told her viewers before going under the knife.

The video then transitioned to Arnold in her hospital bed hooked up to an IV followed by clips of her back at her house in bed.

While she shared that she wasn’t in much pain, the nausea was the hardest part for her to overcome.

Her husband, Sam Cusick, was seen taking care of her post-op. lindsarnold/Instagram

Arnold also had a breast lift along with her augmentation. ABC

“Pain-wise, I’m not too miserable at all. I feel really good,” she said at the time.

“Post surgery Lindsay is a sight to see 😂😂 everything went great thank you for all the well wishes!!” she captioned the TikTok post.

Arnold, who has wanted the surgery since she was 13, said that along with the augmentation, she also got a breast lift. While recovering, the Utah native has also been spending time with the two kids she shares with Cusick: Sage, 4, and June, 1.

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