To the editor: Once again, Mother Nature is trying to teach us a lesson we seem never to learn. The power of nature, as shown by the fires throughout Southern California, means we are merely humans fighting a force much greater than we are.
Why don’t people see that nature is our common enemy? We are tiny compared to nature’s giant presence.
So, let’s stick together, stop fighting one another and just get along on all levels — within families, among neighbors and among all who live in this state, in this nation and on this planet.
Eventually, nature will win. Let’s combine to make a much better team.
Phyllis Molloff, Camarillo
To the editor: I lived in Los Angeles for nearly two decades, and frequent trips to picture-perfect Pacific Palisades and Will Rogers State Historic Park are my best memories.
My imagination fails to picture these places in ashes. A greater failure of imagination is that in the last 20 years, no one has built a system designed to carry water from the nearby Pacific Ocean to where it is needed.
No water for firefighters? Mind boggling. Sorry for your tragic fires and losses.
Elinor Hite, Carrollton, Texas