The Issue: Sen. Chuck Schumer defending President Biden’s record and mental acuity.
Sen. Chuck Schumer said he thinks President Biden has an amazing record as president (“Chuck playing ‘mind’ games,” Jan. 6).
Schumer calls Biden a patriot and said the president’s mental acuity was great.
Well, this patriot let a Chinese spy balloon fly coast to coast.
His amazing record includes a botched pullout from Afghanistan, record high inflation and allowing millions of unvetted migrants to cross the border illegally.
Schumer claims that suggestions that Biden was losing it mentally were just “right-wing propaganda.”
If Schumer truly believes what he says, maybe we should have his mental acuity checked.
Tom Vespo
What is Chuck Schumer smoking?
The only pieces of legislation Biden signed were cash giveaways.
The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” was a Green New Deal handout to Democratic donors, NGOs and others.
Biden and Schumer will be remembered respectively as the worst president and Senate majority leader in history.
I wish President-elect Donald Trump had a mean and vindictive streak, so these two (among others) might be prosecuted.
Charlie Honadel
Venice, Fla.
Sen. Schumer apparently thought nothing of compromising the national security of the United States to help keep an enfeebled commander-in-chief at the helm.
He and every other Democrat engaged in this dangerous, disloyal behavior should have their access to top-secret briefings and classified materials reviewed and hopefully revoked.
Schumer and his cabal of corrupt, deep-state, power-hungry, Dem narcissists have proven they simply cannot be trusted with the life and safety of American citizens.
Jim Soviero
East Setauket
I am disappointed that interviewers of the good senator do not ask him outright: “Do you consider the mental acuity of President Biden to be equal to or better than yours?”
Certainly the voters in New York deserve an answer before the next election.
Laz L. Schneider
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
President Biden’s inner circle has made the 25th Amendment insufficient for ensuring that a president is competent to remain in office.
The amendment was supposed to protect the people from unelected advisers taking over for an incapacitated president, but it has failed.
We must have an amendment that ensures this cannot happen again.
The Supreme Court should have the responsibility and authority to determine whether the president is competent as an additional means beyond the current provisions.
Congressional impeachment and removal are too easily thwarted by partisan politics.
Tom Henion
Stafford, Va.
When I read how Sen. Schumer defended Biden against criticism over his mental state and cognitive decline, I once again realized that this man simply cannot ever be believed.
Schumer is as phony as a $3 bill.
It was a beautiful thing to see him get unseated as Senate majority leader when Democrats became the minority.
The only thing better would be to see him lose his Senate seat altogether.
Alan Brooks
Chuck Schumer believes that President Biden has had an amazing record.
If that’s true, then we urgently need to assess Schumer’s mental acuity.
It seems these people never stop lying to American citizens.
J. Mancuso
Naples, Fla.
Congratulations to Chuck Schumer for winning the “blatantly lying politician of the year” award.
President Biden is in great shape.
Right, Chuck?
His mental acuity could not be better and we shouldn’t believe our lying eyes.
Sure, Chuck: According to you he’s been a great president. Well, his policies resulted in an open border, a derailed economy, high gas prices and a catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.
The list goes on and on.
Mike Klarman
Branford, Conn.
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