Robber busted in driverless Waymo taxi — when it pulls over after detecting sirens

A high-tech, low-intelligence thief tried to escape in a self-driving Waymo car after robbing a Los Angeles grocery store Monday night — only to be foiled when cops used its technology to nab him.

The suspect had fled the store with his stolen merch after dousing a security guard with pepper spray, according to KTLA.

He then hopped into one of the driverless cars that roam the streets of Southern California, turning the AI navigation system into an unwitting getaway driver.

Police footage showed squad cars surrounding the Waymo car used in a suspected robber's escape.
Police footage shows squad cars surrounding the Waymo car used in a suspected robber’s escape. RMG News

But the suspect didn’t make it far in the car. Such vehicles are programmed to pull over if they detect police lights and sirens, which were already swirling around the area.

Cops caught up to the stopped vehicle about 3 miles from the scene of the crime.

Video obtained by KTLA shows police surround the wayward Waymo and order the suspect out.

In addition to automatically stopping for police vehicles, Waymo cars contain speakers that allow support personnel to speak with authorities if a car is pulled over.

Waymo cars are programmed to stop when they detect police lights and sirens.
Waymo cars are programmed to stop when they detect police lights and sirens. RMG News

In another related incident, an intoxicated man crawled behind the wheel of a Waymo car Thursday and tried to drive off with it, the LA Times reported.

There have also been reports of thugs waylaying driverless taxis and trapping terrified passengers inside, including one incident in October in which catcalling bozos stood in front of a woman’s Waymo and demanded her phone number.

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