Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images
The Issue: Suspect Matthew Livelsberger exploding a Tesla Cybertruck outside of Trump Hotel Las Vegas.
The attack in one of America’s most iconic cities is a direct result if President Biden’s term (“New Year’s evil,” Jan. 2).
The whole world — including the terrorists — knows that America is led by the worst president in our nation’s history and they’re taking advantage of Biden’s deadly reign before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.
It is unbelievable to think that so many people wanted to extend this unmitigated disaster for another four years.
Louie Rey
Summerville, SC
Some would say the term “honest politician” is a classic example of an oxymoron.
Still, an even more moronic oxymoron is one offered by the uncle of the man who was driving the Tesla Cybertruck that blew up outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.
“He loved Trump, and he was always a very, very patriotic soldier, a patriotic American,” his uncle said.
I beg your pardon, but it seems to me that someone professing love for another would not blow up a truck outside of their property to show their affection.
Perhaps the bomber was upset about pledges that Trump appears to be breaking before he even gets back to the White House. That would include ending the war in Ukraine and lowering grocery prices, which he said he would do during his campaign, but now says may not be so easy after all.
Vin Morabito
Scranton, Pa.
Early on New Year’s Day, one truck killed 15 people in New Orleans, the Cybertruck explosion killed another in Las Vegas and a mass shooting in Queens wounded 10 more.
I am sure liberals will scream loudest at the shooting and ignore the fact that violence is the real problem — not guns.
People have been killing each other since the dawn of history, before guns were invented. They are only one means of killing, but not the real problem — violence is.
Max Wisotsky
Highland Park, NJ
It seems that electric vehicles could be a new weapon of choice for terrorists. How de rigueur!
You can carry enough fossil fuel in them to ignite explosions, without emitting pollutants getting there — how green!
Can you imagine what Tim McVeigh might have done with one of these?
James Evans
Worcester, Mass.
The Issue: CBS reporter Jan Crawford’s statement that Biden’s mental decline was underreported.
A CBS reporter saying the media should have been more forceful in questioning the cognitive decline of President Biden, and how it could have changed the election, is just laughable (“CBS vet: Biden’s decline a news fail,” Dec. 31).
The network was complicit in hiding it for four years. Now, we’re to believe it’s turned some stone over and is going to do real reporting?
Legacy media is dead. There is nothing they can say or do now to change that narrative. In fact, both parties have lied to us for decades.
Yes, the country seems to be in safe hands after President-elect Trump won the election. But until people go to prison, I’m not going to be impressed by him.
James Schwartz
Summit, NJ
Her use of gaslighting downplays the conspiratorial nature of these deceptions by the media and any exploitation of them in the future.
Noticeably absent from any remarks made by Jan Crawford was the mention of honesty, integrity and ethics. Instead, what she offered was her lament of a failed opportunity for one political party to change the outcome of the election — presumably in their favor.
Vincent Ruggiero
Scottsdale, Ariz.
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