Gang grudge may have sparked mass shooting outside NYC nightclub during memorial for slain teen

A bloody Wednesday night shooting outside a Queens nightclub that left 10 injured was at a memorial for a teenager gunned down in Brooklyn in October — and may have been a gang-related hit, sources said.

More than 100 people, most of them teenagers, lined up outside the Amazura nightclub in Jamaica to remember 16-year-old Taearion Mungo, who was shot dead at the Walt Whitman Houses public housing complex in Fort Greene on Oct. 26 when gunmen opened fire, police said.

According to law enforcement sources, Mungo may have been affiliated with the FNO street gang — or the “For N—ers Only” crew — and Wednesday’s shooting may have been linked.

Ten people, mostly teenagers, where shot and wounded outside Amazura nightclub in Jamaica on Wednesday night.

The gunplay comes as violence has spiked this year within the confines of the NYPD’s 103rd Precinct — which includes the nightclub — with murders, felony assaults and shootings up.

Police stats show that there were seven murders in the 103 as of Sunday, up from just two last year, while assaults jumped to 780 over the same span compared to 653 over the same time span in 2023.

Meanwhile, gunshot victims more than doubled, with 25 victims over that span compared to 12 in 2023.

“We go through this every weekend,” an MTA employee who works across the street from Amazura told The Post on Thursday. “Bullets go crazy. We have to come to work, we don’t know if we are going to go back home. It makes me afraid.”

Police said all of the victims shot outside the club suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

Amazura nightclub in Queens was hosting a memorial for slain teen Taearion Mungo, who was killed in October. Brigitte Stelzer

“An evening of celebration ended with senseless violence overnight at a venue in Queens,” Mayor Eric Adams said Thursday. “I want to be clear this incident has no connection to the terrorism investigations elsewhere in our country.

“As we have said, there is no room for this criminal behavior in our city and we are determined to bring these dangerous individuals to justice and get illegal guns off our streets,” the mayor said.

According to sources, Mungo’s family invited 120 people to the teen’s memorial, but many had to wait outside because the club has a capacity of only 90 — leading to a spillover crowd out front.

Wednesday would have been the teen’s 17th birthday.

There were about 15 people outside around 11:20 p.m. when four gunmen opened fire from the corner of 144th Place and 91st Avenue, the sources said, hitting 10 people before fleeing.

The Wednesday night shooting at Amazura nightclub in Queens may have been gang-related, sources said. SG For NY Post

“It lasted about 10 seconds and then there was silence,” neighborhood resident Juan Alulema said. “I saw people screaming. I saw one woman running into the club. She was screaming someone’s name. There were cars in front of the club so I couldn’t see what she was looking at.

“After the shooting I heard two cars,” the 25-year-old restaurant worker said. “They took off very fast.”

Cops are probing gang affiliation as “one of the avenues” for the shooting, the sources said.

There have been no arrests.

The shooting drew condemnation from Big Apple pols.

A bullet hole at Amazura nightclub, where 10 people were wounded in a mass shooting, according to police. Brigitte Stelzer

“Violence like this has no place in our communities, and we must come together to address the root causes and ensure the safety of our neighborhoods,” said Councilwoman Natasha Williams (D-Queens), whose district includes the club.

“I am in close contact with law enforcement and community leaders to support their efforts and will work tirelessly to advocate for the resources we need to prevent tragedies like this,” she said.

Councilman Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) blamed the state’s soft-on-crime justice reforms.

“Will any wokesters bet against me that the suspects all have lengthy rap sheets and have been the beneficiaries of bail reform or ‘raise the age’ in the past couple of years?” he said. “Of course not, they won’t want to lose money, but I’m sure they’re fine betting with our lives.”

Four gunmen opened fire on about 15 people outside Amazura nigthclub on Wednesday night, police sources said. Robert Mecea

Meanwhile, neighborhood resident Vishal, 28, said security may have been lax at the nightclub.

“Usually when they have events they have security and police and lots more vehicles parked outside,” Vishal said. “I came in at 9:30 p.m. and I didn’t see the usual police.

“First day of the year,” he added. “What is the rest gonna look like?”

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