Trump’s Greenland grab and more: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 29, 2024

Greenland gambit
If I may be so bold as to recommend to President-elect Trump, there is no need to negotiate with Denmark over the status of Greenland (“And he still wants to buy Greenland,” Dec. 23).
Greenlanders have had the right to vote for independence for close to a generation. A legitimate and practical approach: There are 56,000 residents of Greenland. The United States could offer a $250,000 payment to each citizen upon the completion of a successful referendum for Greenland to become a US territory or state.
The cost would be approximately $14 billion. The return: an immense long-term strategic and tactical victory for the United States of America for a paltry sum in comparison to our other foreign bequests.
Bruce McMenemy, Sanford, Fla.

9/11 funding snub
I am completely disgusted with our members of Congress, Democrat and Republican alike (“WTC health scare,” Dec. 23).
You thieves composed a 1,400-page budget loaded with billions for your pet pork projects, which was rejected. Now that you didn’t get your way, you didn’t fund the 9/11 first responders bill?
Let me remind all of you that thousands of police officers, firefighters, EMTs and volunteers responded to the World trade Center that horrifying day while you blowhards cowered in your homes and offices.
Every one of them deserves to be taken care of for their service to New York City and this country.
We are in a new era now. People are tired of getting ripped off by lawmakers peeing away their hard-earned tax money and not providing for those who deserve it. Be prepared to find new jobs.
Michael Greaney, Massapequa

No help for NYers
Rep. Ritchie Torres is right (“As gov brags of safe subways!” Dec. 23).
Indeed, the city and state have failed the mentally ill. The other night, during rush hour at the busy Columbus Circle station, there was a young man who was naked from the waist down (wearing no underwear), standing on the platform.
People walked by. There were no police or the promised National Guard in sight.
I “saw something” and wanted to “say something,” but there were no ears to listen.
Melanie Coronetz, Manhattan

NFL money-grab
When did watching football games become so elite (“Players still mixed on Xmas slate,” Sports, Dec. 25)?
Thank you, NBA, for keeping Christmas Day basketball games on basic TV channels.
Shame on the NFL for depriving poor fans who can’t afford streaming services like Netflix from enjoying a day of football with family and friends on Christmas.
Betty Schwartz, Livingston, NJ

Xmas stabbing
So, here we go again: Episode “who knows what” in unprovoked attacks in New York City (“ ‘Knifer’ spreads Xmas fear,” Dec. 26).
Of all of the accomplishments that people are hoping for under our fearless and America-loving President-elect Donald Trump, the one I want is former Mayor Bill de Blasio & Co. scrutinized for spending an exorbitant amount of New York City funds on “mental illness programs.”
Where, oh where, did this money go? And who got their hands on it? It’s another “Lufthansa Heist,” minus Henry Hill and James Burke. On Jan. 20, 2025 there will be a new “Don” in town. Capeesh?
Joe Torrillo, Manalapan, NJ

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