‘Predatory’ NYC teacher sexually abused teen girl in creepy school ‘escape room’ and home ‘bat cave’: report

A Queens public high-school teacher created a creepy “escape room” where he allegedly sexually abused a female student, according to a troubling new report.

Scott Biski, a music teacher at Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences High School, also invited the girl to his home — calling it “the bat cave” — for sex when his wife and two kids were not home, investigators allege.

Biski, 50, began “grooming” the student when she was 14, a sophomore, and it culminated when she was a senior into “a sexual relationship,” charges a report by the Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools.

Students allegedly hung out with music teacher Scott Biski in his classroom-office, which was transformed into a creepy “escape room” with old desks and file cabinets. biskisan/Facebook

“I now understand that these weird hugs, embraces were actually just groping,” the now 25-year-old ex-student told investigators in 2022. “He was touching me for sexual pleasure without my consent.”

Biski arranged “makeshift dividers and old desks” in his music classroom and office, inviting students to hang out in his “escape room.” 

There, Biski touched the student’s breasts and tried to kiss her, prompting the girl to pull away and “promptly” leave, the report says.

Biski would also invite the girl to his home to play board games with other kids. Once, she arrived to find she was the only student there, the report says.

Biski also gave the girl lavish gifts, such as a flute that was only supposed to be lent to students, his favorite childhood book, new clothes and cash, including $200 for Ugg boots, it says.

The SCI found that he messaged the teen nearly 700 times, 82 times during school.

Biski told the girl to save his number under a fake name – “Arthur Dent” — “so as to not arouse suspicion,” she told investigators. Another student told SCI he believed the alias was “Harvey Dent,” a Batman villain whose alter ego was “Two-Face.” 

Biski resigned from his post at Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences High School, but wasn’t charged criminally. google

Biski forcibly kissed and groped the student in his school office and forced her to touch his erection, telling her, “That’s how you make me feel,” according to court documents and the SCI report.

Biski assigned the student to play lead flute in the school band, gave her coveted solos and wrote “outstanding” college recommendation letters for her, she said.

“These were things he did as a part of his grooming process,” she said.

Once she graduated, she told investigators, Biski would allegedly “pester” her into coming to his house when his wife and two kids were gone to engage in sex acts.

And the perverted texts continued.

“No Halloween party? No slut outfit?” he texted her during her first year in college. “No ‘I’m little red riding hood the whore.’”

On another occasion, he wrote, “I have risked everything for you. My job. My home. My kids. Everything.”

The student told investigators she was “disgusted” by his behavior because she saw Biski as a “father figure.”

Biski gave the girl lavish gifts and messaged her nearly 700 times, according to investigators. biskisan/Facebook

The NYPD closed a criminal case against Biski because the student said the sexual contact was consensual and occurred after she turned 17, but the teacher’s behavior was “egregious, manipulative, and predatory,” the SCI charged.

After the student came forward in June 2022, the city Department of Education removed Biski from Gateway, but he remained on the city payroll until last year, collecting $99,578 in fiscal year 2024, records show. 

He has “irrevocably resigned,” a DOE spokeswoman said.

Besides recommending Biski’s termination, SCI called on the DOE to amend its guidelines on teachers using private phone numbers to text kids.

The SCI has repeatedly urged the DOE to ban employees from contacting students’ cell phones and social media accounts. In the past five years, it has found at least 89 cases of DOE employees having inappropriate conversations with students via text and online.

Last year, the 25-year-old former student filed a lawsuit, charging Biski with harassment and sexual assault. In June, Biski sued the DOE for denying him legal representation.

Lawyers for Biski did not respond to inquiries.

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