Gregory P. Mango
The Issue: The border crisis’ effect on Americans’ safety in wake of an illegal immigrant arson-murderer.
The monster who tortured the defenseless woman to death in the subway has been better taken care of than the victim (“Sanctuary insanity must end,” Editorial, Dec. 24).
He had shelter, three meals and a cot.
She, on the other hand, was believed to be homeless and neglected by the state and the country.
The state is more worried about taking care of people who are here illegally than our own.
Jennifer Watts
North Merrick
There is an overriding issue far that goes beyond the heinous murder that took place recently on a stationary F train: Those in charge of our nation’s safety have failed dramatically.
The first function of government is to keep its law-abiding citizens safe.
Why is this so difficult?
Anthony Parks
Garden City
The subway tragedy is a direct result of the left’s relentless war against average Americans, as they implement and defend a policy in favor of unknown aliens that is indefensible.
Open borders, sanctuary cities and birthright citizenship of illegals’ children removes the layers of protection against psychopaths and criminals entering our country illegally.
Hopefully President-elect Trump will restore sanity to our broken immigration system.
Mel Young
Boca Raton, Fla.
It’s time to expel all the illegal immigrants who entered our country during President Biden’s disastrous tenure.
We need asylum from the “asylum seekers” who drain our resources, break our laws and harm our most vulnerable citizens.
The flaming homicide on the subway underscores the need for the City Council to end sanctuary law protections.
Richard Reif
Kew Gardens Hills
What level of violence against American citizens will get President Biden and other Democrats to change their position on the violent illegal migrant issue?
Is stabbing a man on the subway, hitting an old person in the head with a hammer, pushing someone down the stairs, or carjacking a 65-year-old not enough for you?
Now you have someone setting a woman on fire.
Stephen Nuckel
The Issue: President-elect Trump’s interest in acquiring the Panama Canal because of fees.
Recent comments from President-elect Donald Trump about possibly expanding our country to encompass Canada, Greenland and Panama should be looked at very closely (“Don canal threat,” Dec. 23).
We do not need any additional problems, which this would certainly cause.
Trump should focus on getting our country back to normal with our economy, military, the border and bipartisan cooperation in Congress.
John Amato
Fresh Meadows
The Panama Canal remains a critical asset for US strategic interests.
As China extends its economic influence in Panama, the canal’s neutrality and our regional dominance are at risk.
The canal not only symbolizes a passage, but the American commitment to hemispheric security and prosperity.
Ronald Beaty
West Barnstable, Mass.
If anyone questions the brilliance of President-elect Donald Trump again, look no further than his threat to take back the Panama Canal.
Last year, 520,000 illegals passed through the Darien Gap on their way to the US border.
Since Trump’s threat, the Panama military has cracked down on illegal immigrant traffic through the area.
There is a method to his contrived madness.
Michael Felicetta
Lavallette, NJ
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