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The Issue: Wall Street Journal’s report that revealed the White House hid President Biden’s mental decline.
Detailed reports now show how mentally diminished and physically weak President Biden has been all throughout his term in office (“Coverup in his 1st 100 daze,” Dec. 19).
Many, like myself, became aware of Biden’s mental and physical shortcomings soon after he took office.
This contrast shows how biased a majority of the media — and how gullible much of the public — is.
Luckily, I am a longtime subscriber to a quality information source — The Post.
Harry Winkler
West Palm Beach, Fla.
The coverup began long before Biden took office. His presidential campaign in 2020 was, beginning to end, an orchestrated plan to keep him hidden from press and public.
When he did emerge (rarely) from his basement and bungle his speeches (often), staff and press were quick with excuses.
Fewer people than ever believe the Democrats these days — and both parties wonder why.
Bill Marsano
It’s amazing how many people have been hoodwinked by this absolute abomination created by the left.
I cannot believe that those who lauded Joe Biden on his mental alertness and capacity truly believed this myth. The stumbling and sheer incompetence wasn’t a red flag?
Joe Biden’s decline is a sad reminder how pathetically “Trump derangement syndrome” overtook liberal America,
They believed Joe was competent: That’s how delusional they are in a nutshell.
Kevin Judge
Naples, Fla.
Biden’s impairment was glaringly obvious to anyone who has spent time caring for someone afflicted with a similar condition.
Jill Biden is the root cause. She was aware of his inability to function as president before he was nominated — as were his advisers. Jill and the Biden family should have pulled the plug.
Instead, they stood right off stage at events, speeches and debates — directing or prodding. No one seemed to notice or care that Biden was not solely responsible for the disastrous events of his tenure. It could have been avoided.
Lynne Cole
Goodyear, Ariz.
The Issue: Gov. Kathy Hochul’s taxpayer-funded stadium for the Buffalo Bills.
Gov. Hochul wasn’t buffaloed into the Bills new stadium, the people of New York were (“Kat got Buffaloed,” Business, Dec. 17).
No one is talking about the no-bid concessions contract, worth millions per year, for the stadium being given to her husband’s company. Her family prospered, even as she made the taxpayers fund the new stadium.
You get what you vote for — and now tax hikes are on the way to fund her piggy bank.
Storm Destro
Bayonne, NJ
Hochul’s gift to the Bills was no surprise: Municipalities and states do this all the time — though most studies show that the economic impact of a major league sports team on the surrounding area is minimal at best.
Then again, it’s easy for politicians to continually cave to petulant owners and fund their lavish new stadiums when it’s not the office-holders’ money.
Peter Kelly
Hazlet, NJ
What this article doesn’t say is that stand-up owner Terry Pegula said he would pay for overruns associated with the new stadium. He sold a minority ownership in the Bills to cover that cost overrun.
Did he make a significant amount of money selling a minority interest? Yes. Is he also paying for a significant amount of the stadium cost? Yes.
Hank DePerro
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