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Monica McNutt is an MSG Networks Knicks studio analyst and also the Knicks radio analyst on 880 ESPN Radio. She takes a shot at some Q&A with Post columnist Steve Serby.
Q: Why do the Knicks have such a grip on this town?
A: They are New York. I have such an experience of bumping into fans and the conversations on the train and just walking down the street. They represent New York, they are part of the fabric of New York, right? Even before I became the broadcaster covering professional sports, I can remember competing here in New York versus Christ the King in high school, or like on the AAU circuit, a Team Exodus, you knew the teams that came out of New York. … The phrase the “New York City guard” permeates all levels of sport. So to me, to have a professional team that embodies the heart and the grit, the stick-to-it-iveness of the city, and lights just about everybody on fire in terms of rooting for this team passionately, I just think they reflect this city in such a unique way compared to maybe other sports franchises that represent different cities.
Q: Can you envision what New York City would be like if the Knicks won their first NBA championship since 1973?