The Issue: The “most wanted CEOs” card deck offered by James Harr’s Comrade Workwear.
Can anyone doubt that our society has sunk to a new low with someone inventing playing cards with information on CEOs of companies he doesn’t like (“ ‘Marked’ cards for CEOs,” Dec. 16)?
Comrade Workwear founder James Harr is an avowed socialist who sees his opening due to our lax codes of conduct. He should be prosecuted.
Oh, yes, he posts a disclaimer that he isn’t advocating violence. This comes after an innocent father of two was gunned down on our streets.
Shame on Harr — not that he is capable of feeling any shame.
Saul Mishaan
The Post is doing its readers a disservice by calling vile characters like Harr liberals, socialists or even sickos.
People who openly advocate for the public murder of someone are not deranged or unhinged. They are plain old fashioned anarchists.
They want to destroy all American democracy — and in its place substitute a totalitarian regime of their choosing.
Max Wisotsky
Highland Park, NJ
Harr must have been proud of his idea to publish decks of cards showing the names, faces and other information of selected corporate CEOs.
His misconceived entrepreneurship is disturbing on several levels. There are limitations to free speech. One may not defame, libel or slander another individual.
One may not cause a clear and present danger to public safety. And obscenity, distinguished from portrayals of sexuality in art and science, also remains prohibited.
He may not be pulling the trigger on the next CEO assassination. He may not be part of the conspiracy to do so. But his actions add to the climate in which such horrors may be perpetrated.
This creates a clear danger to public safety; not just to the target of Harr’s ire, but also to any bystanders who may be killed or injured.
Stanley M. Rubin
Fresh Meadows
Where is Merrick Garland?
If Harr isn’t arrested for inciting violence and putting a target on people, there really is a problem with the justice system.
Palmer Woodrow
Las Vegas, Nev.
The Issue: The end of the Biden era signals the end of President Barack Obama’s policy vision.
Victor Davis Hanson elegantly dissects the scourge foisted on Americans over the past 16 years by former President Barack Obama (“2024 Killed the Obama Mystique,” Dec. 16).
Obama’s goal seemed to be dismantling the foundations of democracy, and with guile attempting to allow our country to rot from within.
He used a classic divide-and-conquer tactic. He did it during his two-term presidency. He did it while undermining President-elect Donald Trump’s first term.
He tried to do it with corrupt sock puppet President Biden.
Obama’s fatal mistake was misjudging the American people — who finally saw through leftist Democrats’ divisive policies and lies.
Voters sent the 44th president a message — and it was “nyet.”
Leo de Natale
Waltham, Mass.
Barack Obama, the Pied Piper of politics, has flamed out.
His foreign policy was pleasing the tyrants in Iran and his domestic policy was lying. (“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”)
He has become a scold since leaving the White House, blaming black men for not voting for his losing candidate last month. Obama was a political fad who timed out.
Paul Bloustein
Cincinnati, Ohio
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