Mandatory Credit: Michael Karas-The Record / USA TODAY NETWORK
The truth is out there — they’re just too scared to tell us.
A New Jersey state senator has bluntly accused the government of hiding the truth about the mysterious drones flying over the Garden State, saying the feds are too “fearful” of how people will react.
“Whatever these drones are doing, the government really doesn’t want us to know,” Sen. Jon Bramnick told NewsNation on Saturday, calling on the Department of Defense to “come clean with the American public” about what was really happening.
“What that must mean is they’re more concerned with us getting knowledge and being afraid of that information than having no knowledge and having all these questions,” claimed the Republican from the state’s 21st Legislative District.
“There must be something going on that they can’t tell us because they’re so fearful of what the public’s gonna do when they hear what the drones are doing.”
“There’s no way the Department of Defense does not know what’s going on,” he claimed firmly.
Bramnick also noted that the FBI claiming to have obtained no evidence of a threat does not help the average citizen who may be concerned.
“‘There’s no evidence of a threat.’ You mean, they didn’t do anything sinister yet?” he suggested. “Yeah, I can probably make that statement and I have no top-secret clearance.”
He questioned how the government could let the public — as well as local leaders — become so frustrated if they had an answer they could easily share.
“Why would the government allow the public to be so frustrated? Why would the government allow a United States senator to be so frustrated? We heard this from both sides of the aisle,” he vented.
On Tuesday, Bramnick called for New Jersey to issue a limited state of emergency until officials could provide answers on the drones, which began popping up in parts of New York and New Jersey on Nov. 18.
Tensions over the mysterious flying objects hit a boiling point Saturday in New York after Gov. Hochul declared it’s time to take action. “This has gone too far,” she said in a statement announcing that she asked federal authorities to authorize local police departments to shoot down drones.
President-elect Donald Trump also said he wants the feds to shoot a drone out of the sky.
“Let the public know, and now,” Trump urged. “Otherwise, shoot them down!”