Secretary of State Antony Blinken at long last admitted Wednesday that he and his boss Joe Biden might just possibly bear some semi-smidgen of mild responsibility for the deaths of 13 US service members in an ISIS attack on the Kabul airport during Biden’s 2021 bugout, and for the disastrous bugout itself.
“I think today, especially of the 13 heroes that we lost at Abbey Gate. And I deeply regret we did not do more and could not do more to protect them,” smarmed Blinken in congressional testimony. “And to those families who are here with us today, you’re in my thoughts and my prayers.”
Blinken blatantly defied multiple congressional subpoenas to give answers on this question before —yet another piece of Biden lawlessness that went uncriticized by our journalistic defenders of democracy.
So what prompted the change of heart? Plainly, the fact that Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats were roundly defeated by Donald Trump in a generational presidential whupping.
In other words, now that Joe doesn’t have to save face for term two, he can send out his errand boy to grudgingly admit that the Afghan pullout was an utter catastrophe.
It saw America humiliated, our soldiers killed, our local allies abandoned, our materiel surrendered to our enemies and a violent, destabilizing terrorist group ascend to state power.
And still — still — even after the destruction of Biden’s political hopes and those of his hand-picked successor, Harris, even after years of mounting anger from the US public and righteous fury from the families of the dead, there’s no real acknowledgment of guilt.
For no sooner had Blinken offered his fake apology than he undercut it by saying that he “firmly” believes the pullout call was the “right one,” and sought again to shift blame to Trump.
It’s the verbal equivalent of Biden checking his watch during a ceremony for the troops he killed in Kabul.
For Biden & Co., the only thing that exists are short-term political gains.
Everything else is just “Snooze or smug your way through” and ignore the havoc you wreak.