Who are the biggest suckers in America?
They took the president at his “word as a Biden” and now they’re left with egg on their face and a party in ruins.
Joe Biden’s all-encompassing, precisely 11-year retrospective pardon of his wayward 54-year-old son, Hunter, unprecedented in its scope, just fanned the flames of their discontent.
Now even risk-averse Gavin Newsom knows he’s safe riding with the pack when he publicly denounces Joe Biden for repeatedly lying that he would never pardon his son.
“I took the president at his word,” Newsom said Tuesday.
“I’m disappointed and can’t support the decision.”
Disappointment, disillusionment and despondency are the three D’s that have become synonymous with Democrats since their defeat at the hands of The Donald.
MSNBC’s brainwashed viewers are waking up to the lies they were fed on behalf of the Democratic Party as Joe and Mika trot off to Mar-a-Lago to grovel at the feet of the bad Orange Man.
Rachel Maddow is crying her eyes out on air after she took a $5 million post-election pay cut from the $30 million salary she reportedly is paid to do one show a week.
Donors complaining
And donors are complaining that they got ripped off after the Kamala Harris campaign and associated PAC spent $2.5 billion of their money to lose the election.
“Two-and-a-half freaking billion dollars,” moaned Democrat éminence grise James Carville on his “Politics War Room” podcast last week.
“Does anybody have any idea where that money went? . . .
“The Resistance is going to have trouble raising money. These fundraisers are burned. They’re really pissed now.”
“The damage that the 2024 campaign, the damage that this decade has done, to the Democratic brand is almost unfathomable.”
Then he said out loud what other Democrats mutter under their breath.
“A lot of this goes back to one central character and that’s Joe Biden. I’m sorry. He stands over this like nothing else.”
Biden’s delusional self-belief, mendacity and corruption wrecked the country and now, on his way out the door, they’ve wrecked his party.
It’s hard to see his extraordinarily broad pardon for his son and the lies he told about it as anything but self-protection.
On Tuesday, federal Judge Mark Scarsi, who was set to sentence Hunter in two weeks over willful felony tax fraud, issued a brutal judicial slap-down to the president for claiming that Hunter had been “selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted.”
Scarsi scoffed: “The Constitution provides the President with broad authority to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, but nowhere does the Constitution give the President the authority to rewrite history.”
The judge noted that Hunter’s lawyers had only sent the court a hyperlink to Joe’s self-serving White House press release rather than “a true and correct copy of the pardon.”
But this arrogant mistake allowed Scarsi to critique the president’s lies.
Contradicting the record
The president’s statement contained “representations [that] stand in tension with the case record,” he wrote dryly.
“For example, the President asserts that [Hunter] ‘was treated differently’ from others ‘who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions.’ ”
But when Hunter pleaded guilty, he admitted he cheated on his taxes “well after he had regained his sobriety.”
Scarsi points out “two federal judges expressly rejected” Joe’s fanciful claim that Hunter was “singled out only because he is my son.”
“And the President’s own Attorney General and Department of Justice personnel oversaw the investigation leading to the charges.”
In fact, three appeals-court panels rejected Hunter’s claims of “selective and vindictive prosecution.”
As one prosecution filing says: “In total, eleven (11) different Article III judges appointed by six (6) different presidents, including his father, considered and rejected the defendant’s claims.”
Joe told one lie too many and now his mendacity has been entered into the legal record for posterity to know.
That’s his legacy carved in stone for all time.
Honest IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler also weighed in on the absurdity of Joe’s claim that his own Justice Department unfairly targeted Hunter.
The opposite was the case.
The DOJ bent over backward to obstruct Shapley and Ziegler’s investigation and block any evidence that led to the Big Guy, Joe Biden, and his role in his family’s influence-peddling racket.
“We produced mountains of evidence and testified under oath about the machinations his Justice Department, including [Special Counsel David] Weiss, used to shield the Biden family from a thorough investigation of alleged corruption in Ukraine, Romania and China,” the pair wrote this week.
Intentional tax evasion
Hunter wasn’t just late filing his taxes. He “admitted to intentional felony tax evasion . . . that he filed false tax returns with the IRS —knowingly and willfully, while sober.
False deductions . . . included things like a sex-club membership, luxury vehicle rentals, and house rentals for his then-girlfriend.
“Ordinary Americans are routinely held accountable for that kind of tax fraud, but Hunter Biden will escape accountability because his father is president.”
Disaffected former Joe Biden aide Jeff Connaughton once wrote that he was shocked to realize that his reputedly genial boss was a selfish, “egomaniacal autocrat” who managed his staff “through fear [and whose] ambitions were mainly about himself.”
In his 2012 memoir, “Payoff,” Connaughton recounts a conversation with Biden’s loyal long-term chief of staff, Ted Kaufman, who tried to console Connaughton after a bruising encounter with the boss.
“Jeff, don’t take this personally,” said Kaufman.
“Biden disappoints everyone. He’s an equal-opportunity disappointer.”
Kaufman has since denied that conversation but, today, in the sotto voce election post-mortems that have trickled into public view, there is one theme: Joe disappointed us.
He wasn’t who he told us he was.
“A selfish and senile old man,” was the verdict of dejected Democratic voter and pollster Nate Silver.
No kidding, Sherlock.