Rolling Stones’ new perfume whiffs of exploitation

New “fine fragrance” RS No. 9 Courtesy Image

Just can’t get no olfaction? You can now!

The Rolling Stones have “proudly announced the launch of their first-ever fine fragrance.”

The band — who have either always dreamed of having their own perfume and for some reason waited until they were 80 to give it a bash or (almost equally unlikely) would like some more money — say RS No. 9 is “a scent that evokes London’s Soho in 1962: a throbbing metropolis bustling with excitement as a new cultural era emerged; a time of discovery and freedom, when anything could – and did – happen.”

Considering what his nostrils have been through, we’d be stunned if Keith Richards can smell anything, never mind the “resinous glow of Labdanum.” Getty Images for RS

We’re prepared to believe that Soho smelled like a throbbing something in 1962, but we’re not sold on any of the rest of it, so we checked with nose-witnesses. Sensorial sources say the reliably filthy Central London neighborhood actually teased the nostril with a “lingering smell of soot, frying and pee.” Said another, “I don’t recall picking up on the patchouli.”

Undeterred, the press release promises, “Bourbon-infused notes of velvet [that] swagger onto centre stage, as warm leather brawls under electric musk while sultry oud seductively lingers.”

It adds that, “Deep, earthy Oak adds a mysterious, intimate layer that echoes The Rolling Stones’ ability to captivate audiences.” Right-O, guv’nor!

Alas, poor Charlie, who didn’t live to see “the perfect fragrance for those who dare to be different” on shelves at $99.99 for a 100ml bottle just in time for Christmas.

Well, if you try sometime you might find you can get what you neither want nor need.

The future-perfumiers themselves. Redferns

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