Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
Commander in belief only
Although he’s only a temp, hidin’ slidin’ Biden now beats Ivan the Terrible.
Pardoning his junked up druggie son? Maybe Joe’s doddering brother the cashier inhaling an occasional sawbuck? Renting out America?
Screwing the United States? The Congress? The people? The Income Tax Bureau? The blubbering failing falling chief executive con guy pretending to govern America?
Tour Delaware — the size of Jill’s peroxide bottle — and hear what’s said about longtime low-level pol Joe who could buy his beach space, beach house, regular house and whatever other basement that hides him.
Mornings are suddenly newly reserved. To have helped save Hunter the Hunted restaurants are adding Biden bites. He’ll now only carve up non-relatives between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m.
Law abiding Hunter, noting our sailors are in the Persian Gulf, plans to offer every hooker in San Diego a job referral.
Workers on his daddy’s payroll have all the sincerity of Madonna saying “ouch” on her wedding night.
BS Biden, whose words drip with venom, to Donald: “I believe in laws and family. Tomorrow is never too late to demand a recount.”
Biden, who nearly got a hernia trying to organize his legal beliefs, was recently interviewed. He came off bizarre, irrational, neurotic, a liar and made no sense at all. And Hunter wasn’t better.
In days of old, BS Biden, who was once declared a beverage, gave up his three martini lunches. Why? Because they cut into his cocktail hour. The skilled liar once believed vets could cross a hyena with a porcupine. He ended up with a Republican who needled him.
Famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin created “The Thinker,” the statue of a nude man sitting hand on his chin. Years later scholars discovered what he was trying to think. It was about where he’d left Hunter’s diary.
Florida, the land of milk and honey? Forget it. In the remnants of Biden’s unused brain it has been renamed the Land of Milk of Magnesia.
Joe Biden. Unpredictable. The United States of America never knows what urgent problem he’s going to eff up.
Bidens. Definition: Big dough. Heavy on baloney. More definition: “Elect me and my candidates and all your troubles may not be over — but mine will.”
Joe Biden’s foreign policy mantra is an open book. A checkbook.
Hunter Biden’s lifestyle. Born rich but managing to overcome the difficulty.
Druggie conning disarming failing lying bobbling President of the United States of America Joseph BS Biden. Ridiculous for the lousy Russians to accuse us of spying on them to learn what’s happening in Moscow. Please. We’re too busy trying to find out what’s happening in the White House.
Friends in DC tell me Biden doesn’t know the meaning of the word defeat. Yeah. Right. But that’s besides thousands of other words he doesn’t know the meaning of — like LIAR!