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Oh, the shamelessness of Karine Jean-Pierre: The White House press secretary on Monday defended President Biden’s pardon of son Hunter as justified because of “how politically infected these cases were” — that “war politics infected the process and it led to a miscarriage of justice.”
What garbage.
First off, KJP herself had insisted repeatedly and vehemently that Joe wouldn’t pardon Hunter — even after the First Son was convicted.
Is she claiming the “political infection” somehow popped up in the last two months?
Second, all the prosecuting was done by the Biden Justice Department, yet she has not a word of blame for Attorney General Merrick Garland for failing to stop the “infection.”
Again, if the “war politics” were so powerful as to leave the AG helpless, that was true for all the long months that KJP was butter-won’t-melt-in-her-mouth claiming the prez would respect the courts’ rulings.
In reality, “war politics” — Democrats’ desire to bury the clear facts about Hunter’s (and first brother Jim Biden’s) multimillion-dollar influence-peddling to foreigners in Joe’s name — protected Hunter all these years.
It moved federal prosecutors to go glacially slow in these cases even before Joe won office; it prompted the 51 “spies who lie” to prostitute themselves pitching the “Russian disinformation” lie to suppress The Post’s laptop exposes in advance of the 2020 election; it led Garland to oversee a Keystone Kops “investigation” that “accidentally” let the statute of limitations expire on Hunter’s most serious legal jeopardy.
Only after Republicans took the House in 2022 and whistleblowers came forward to denounce the coverup was Garland’s hand forced to move the cases along — and even then Hunter nearly nabbed a plea deal that would’ve given him the same immunity that Joe’s now granted.
That is: It was “war politics” protecting Hunter — and also driving the avalanche of prosecutions of Donald Trump, though of course Jean-Pierre won’t admit that glaring fact.
Yet all the Democrats’ “no one is above the law” posturing came crashing down with the president’s abuse of his powers to put his son above the law.
The Justice Department is somehow inherently beyond reproach as long as Democrats are running it, goes this beyond-cynical argument — and Trump’s coming drive to root out all Justice’s partisan players is somehow a “politicization.”
The rank hypocrisy is another reason voters just handed Trump the White House and a Republican Congress.
One silver lining: This pardon means Hunter can’t plead the Fifth when called to testify about his role in Biden Inc. corruption — and can still face charges if he’s caught in perjury after Dec. 31.
The vast scale of the pardon shows that Joe Biden knows that a lot of dirt remains to be uncovered; it’s up to Congress to keep digging.