Two masked Brooklyn brutes stabbed a cyclist in a bungled attempt to snatch his moped Tuesday morning — then knifed a good Samaritan who tried to intervene, authorities and sources said.
The violent pair approached the 25-year-old victim – who may have been a delivery worker – around 9:30 a.m. at 36th Street and Fifth Avenue and tried to steal his ride, authorities and sources said.
When he resisted, they stabbed him in the arm, sources said.
Another man, 34, tried to step in but the muggers turned on him too, knifing him in the back and left thigh, according to cops and sources.
Both wounded men were taken to NYU Langone Hospital–Brooklyn, where they were listed in stable condition.
The suspects – who wore black masks, black sweaters and blue jeans – fled after the attack and have not been caught, cops said.
The attack came hours after a 37-year-old man was stabbed while trying to fight off a would-be thief at MacDougal and Bleecker streets in Greenwich Village, cops said.
The mugger approached the victim around 5 a.m., demanded money and tried to grab his wallet, authorities and sources said.
The victim got into a dust-up with the suspect, who knifed him in the back, according to cops and sources.
He was taken to Bellevue Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
No arrests have been made.