The Issue: President Biden’s pardon of Hunter Biden for all offenses committed in an 11-year period.
I actually wasn’t surprised when President Biden pardoned his son (“Hunter gets away with it,” Dec. 2).
I never believed him when he said he wouldn’t. He lied at that time because the country was in an election cycle and he didn’t have the courage to tell the truth.
Imagine him saying his son was singled out for prosecution. Does that remind you of anyone?
Nor was I surprised at Whoopi Goldberg and her cohorts at “The View.” Their response to the pardon was not to chastise the liar, but instead to point out the number of pardons President-elect Donald Trump issued during his first presidency.
If I didn’t laugh, I’d cry.
Frank Olivieri
North Ft. Myers, Fla.
After the results of the last election and after an incredible number of news stories covering Joe Biden cheating, lying and taking advantage of his political positions over a 50-year political career, I think the public has had its fill of corrupt politicians staying in office.
Biden pardoning his son Hunter for the multitude of crimes he committed is a fitting “icing on the cake” to end Joe’s miserable career.
Harry Winkler
West Palm Beach, Fla.
What shocks me is the pathetic, blind belief of millions of Americans that the ultra-revealing laptop was not Hunter’s, the gun wasn’t his, the baby girl was not his, he “forgot” to pay millions in taxes and now the ultimate nonsense that we’re asked to swallow from Joe: Hunter was “singled out only because he is my son.”
And dear Joe is erasing any chance of investigating 10 years’ worth of Hunter’s nefarious deeds involving millions of questionably obtained funds, thus seemingly dropping cases that Joe was undoubtedly involved in also.
It’s good to be king.
Barbara Kenerson
Palmetto, Fla.
It’s no coincidence that Hunter pleaded guilty shortly after his father was unceremoniously removed from running for a second term by his fellow Democrats.
This set up Hunter’s pardon, even though his father said that he would not pardon his son. Chalk it up as one of the many lies that came out of the Biden White House.
Chris Tripoulas
Well, the liar-in-chief Biden, who received “bottomless Pinocchios” from The Washington Post because of his propensity to lie, has again lied by pardoning his son Hunter Biden.
Everyone remembers how forcefully Biden stated in the recent past that he would not pardon Hunter, since “no one is above the law.”
I highly recommend that Trump completely pardon and exonerate every American citizen who was arrested and/or convicted on Jan. 6 and expunge all of their records.
I say this with no reservations. With Hunter’s pardon, the concept of “no one is above the law” has been changed to “just some are totally above the law.” Especially if it’s the president’s son who has committed crimes against the United States of America.
Peter Gryzmolowicz
Farmingdale, NJ
Quelle surprise! Biden pardons his son Hunter as one of his last official acts as president after repeated statements that he would not do so.
But the reason he gave for this act is the real shocker: Joe Biden claimed that Hunter was “selectively and unfairly” prosecuted.
What arrogance! Apparently, only Trump is a real criminal in Biden World. Joe and Hunter’s family business “shenanigans” are just a right-wing conspiracy. Move along. Nothing to see here.
Eileen Rosamilia
Morristown, NJ
Biden pardoned his son Hunter because he felt that Hunter was prosecuted for “political reasons.”
Isn’t this what the Democrats have been doing to Trump for several years?
Ted Rallis
I believe you erred when you stated that Biden pardoned two turkeys this past week.
Counting Hunter, he actually pardoned three.
Ken Chorzewski
New Rochelle