To the editor: I am a local elected official and a business owner in Palm Desert. Your readers should know that there is widespread support for the proposed Chuckwalla National Monument in my community. (“Native Americans press Biden to designate three new national monuments in California,” Nov. 19)
Eight local cities have endorsed the proposal. More than 300 businesses have called for the new monument. Hundreds of people participated in a community meeting over the summer to voice their support.
Why? Because we know that a new Chuckwalla National Monument will benefit our community. It will protect the places that we love to explore and boost our economy. My own business, which takes people out into the desert for educational and fun tours, depends on outdoor recreation on public lands.
Designating this area a national monument will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy this land. I hope to see the monument designated soon.
Evan Trubee, Palm Desert
The writer is a member of the Palm Desert City Council.
To the editor: I’ve visited the proposed Chuckwalla National Monument between the Salton Sea and the Colorado River. I’ve explored the military training sites that this monument would protect. I’ve stood on the ground where American troops prepared for World War II and seen remnants of their presence.
And I know firsthand the value of spending time in the outdoors to help transition to civilian life. After 18 years in the Army, I found myself struggling to return to everyday life. Time in nature helped me, and I know from talking with other veterans I am not alone in this experience.
The Chuckwalla National Monument would protect public lands close to home for veterans to experience.
Craig Meling, Palm Springs