To the editor: A letter writer suggests the Democrats need to “be likable” in order to win elections.
Donald Trump won the election. I guess that means that instead of supporting assistance to first-time home buyers, small businesses and families with high child-care costs; instead of supporting women’s and LGBTQ+ rights; and instead of promising to be an administration for all Americans, Democrats should ban Muslims, constantly denigrate women, make fun of the disabled, promote violence, threaten journalists, promote revenge and call human beings vermin.
Call me crazy, but I believe the Harris-Walz campaign was not only “likable,” it was also a positive campaign that promoted joy and optimism.
I still am stunned that most voters voted for hate, violence and divisiveness. I mourn for the loss of the values that this country once held dear.
Maryanne Rose, Laguna Niguel
To the editor: It seems to me that given the intensity of everyone’s feelings about so many things, factual or not, each of us is living in a simulation of our own making. The architecture represents the media we consume, and the content assembled and curated to fit the world we want to occupy.
We sit in front of our screens gathering all the ingredients we need, leaving out any we don’t, and making a stew cooked to exactly the temperature we like.
Barry Bauling, Calabasas