Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu via Getty Images
Great news: Donald Trump has named Brendan Carr to head the Federal Communications Commission, a stern warning to our digital would-be overlords.
Big Tech and the regulatory state have been using their unelected power for years to censor anyone who dares to disagree.
It’s time to fight back — and Carr is the man to do it.
Carr’s been an FCC commissioner since 2017, staunchly advocating against the sleazy Big Tech-Big Government censorship cartel.
And before all the libs start shrieking about how unqualified/political/eeeeeevil Carr is, note that he’s been confirmed unanimously three times by the Senate and has served under both Trump and President Biden.
The new commish noted in an X post about his appointment, “We must dismantle the censorship cartel and restore free speech rights for everyday Americans.”
And the free-speech warrior has already put the Gang of Four on notice.
Days before his elevation, he sent a blistering missive to Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, Apple’s Tim Cook, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella and Alphabet’s Sundar Pichai demanding answers on just how intertwined their companies and products are with NewsGuard.
NewsGuard, recall, is an Orwellian outfit that enables censorship by generating what amount to blacklists of websites based on alleged “misinformation” sins.
Other groups like ad-biz cartel GARM then use those blacklists, like the one generated by the Global Disinformation Index, to try to starve of revenue any site that dares to question, say, the utility of COVID lockdowns.
And — surprise, surprise! — the least “trustworthy” sites are always the ones good liberal journos dislike, regardless of whether they’ve actually published anything untrue.
The Post has been on the business end of the unholy tech-fed combine, seeing our 100% accurate reporting on Hunter Biden suppressed, as well as opinion content on COVID’s likely lab origin.
It’s an end-run around the First Amendment, with the feds using servile tech CEOs and shady “services” like NewsGuard as cutouts.
Carr’s leveling a big gun at Big Tech, noting in his letter that the Section 230 liability shield that protects platforms like Facebook from litigation only stays in effect as long as Big Tech is operating “in good faith.”
They haven’t been doing that for years.
So watch out, would-be Ministry of Truthers across the private and public sectors: A new sheriff’s coming to town.
And he actually believes Americans should be free to say, hear and think what they want.