William C. Lopez/New York Post
The Issue: A homeless man with eight prior arrests who stabbed three people to death on Monday.
I’m hoping New York voters will wake up and join the movement that is happening across the country (“Trail of carnage,” Nov. 19).
The same day it is reported that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is favored to win re-election, three New Yorkers are murdered in the streets by a homeless maniac who had eight previous arrests and was released.
John Avelli
In reference to your story “A bloodbath across Apple” (Nov. 19), I find it worrisome that New York’s political leaders still have jobs.
District Attorney Alvin Bragg is the cause of many of the crime problems in New York City, where citizens are not safe.
How could suspect Ramon Rivera be let loose on the streets to allegedly kill people? Some heads should roll.
Paul Bornstein
The three families of the victims who were brutally murdered need to sue the city for allowing this criminal to go free after eight previous arrests. He should have been locked away for life.
Bonnie Giordano
Florham Park, NJ
The people of New York state and city need to get of rid of Gov. Holchul, DA Bragg, Mayor Adams and the City Council and reject any future attempts at office by Andrew Cuomo.
Three people were butchered Monday in New York City. The above named are, in my opinion, liable for their deaths because of the no-bail law, the repeated release of criminals and a failure to deal with the many homeless and their mental issues. Removing them from office may save lives.
Richard Mac Dowell
Basking Ridge, NJ
Sadly, the question has now become cliche: How many more innocents will have their lives taken before New York’s ruling bodies wake up? Alas, many — as long as the filth of progressive ideology reigns supreme.
It’s plain and simple: Incarceration, for long periods of time, saves lives.
It is far past the time that those responsible for criminal “justice” in this state be held responsible for their woke and “compassionate” depravity.
Anthony Parks
Garden City
After reading about Rivera — another “graduate” from Rikers Island and a violent career criminal — and his bloody stroll across Manhattan, I think it shows the level of intelligence and common sense in our justice system that we are expending time and money to convict Daniel Penny.
Far better that he had not acted to defend fellow subway riders and that Jordan Neely had hurt someone, so we could wail, rend our garments and pour ashes on our heads in sorrow at the injury to innocent souls. Give me a break!
Peter Seymour
Mount Kisco
The Post’s front page compels one to wonder why Bragg is seeking re-election.
The notion that he is favored to win is beyond belief. His failure to prosecute criminals is directly responsible for such abhorrent behavior.
New Yorkers must follow Los Angeles and send him packing.
Jerry Chiappetta
If I were to leave a grenade on a park bench, and someone ended up pulling the release and getting killed, I would rightly be charged.
It’s time we hold our government officials accountable and punishable for the “live grenades” they leave out in public, too.
Anthony Cena
Marine Park
Three people were killed by a homeless fiend on Monday. When is this going to stop in our city?
Ramon Rivera was released from Rikers and living in Bellevue Men’s Shelter when he allegedly committed these terrible crimes. He also had eight previous arrests.
Rivera, no doubt, is mentally unstable and should not have been out on the streets. What is our city doing to help these people?
The city needs to do more work before something like this happens again. I cannot imagine what those three families are going through right now.
Rob Johann