New York’s electeds need to focus on real problems, not composting

Great news, New Yorkers: Our benevolent leaders have ended the migrant crisis and gotten crime back down to pre-pandemic levels and have now turned their attention to composting!

Just kidding — migrants are still flooding in and crime is still rampant, but our progressive overlords somehow found the bandwidth to force New Yorkers to crawl through yet another hoop while throwing out their garbage, or face financial penalties.

The rule kicks in Sunday, Oct. 6, with fines starting up in April 2025. 

The justifications for it are as numerous as they are thin. 

It will help fight the rat problem(by conveniently isolating exactly what rats want in a single garbage can?). 

It will help fight climate change (by addressing shortages of homemade potting soil?). 

Blah blah blah. 

Look, there’s nothing wrong with home gardeners composting food waste.

But spending to set up a whole new trash regime when our current recycling program is a massive joke makes less than no sense. 

Backing it up with fines and punishments is even more absurd.

Especially given that the city faces actual problems — as in issues beyond pet projects beloved of fanatical Green New Dealers. 

Like an influx of migrants that shows no sign of stopping and is set to cost us north of $12 billion through next year, because of the endless free goodies the petulant progressives who insist that composting will save the world love to hand out. 

Hmmmm — wonder how hard-core the left will be about making sure migrants compost the scraps from the free meals the city gives them. (We suspect not very.) 

After all, the progs are uttlerly indifferent to migrant crime, as they are to all crime. 

Despite embattled Mayor Eric Adams’ happy talk, murders are up 13% over 2019, robberies up 32% and felony assaults up 41%. 

If progs are so hungry to enforce the law, maybe they should start there. 

Gotham has real problems. Food scraps ain’t one of them. It’s time for our electeds to get real. 

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