Letters: SUP candidates Bkrich, Allchurch may do NDP, voters a service

Premier Scott Moe’s nightmare of the Saskatchewan United Party splitting the vote to the benefit of the NDP might come true int 2024 Saskatchewan election.

Brkich, who was the Sask. Party Arm River MLA for 20 years, will now be running in the Saskatoon Southeast seat. Recent polling indicates that the NDP is making solid inroads in seats that are presently held by the Sask. Party in Saskatoon and Regina.

It would certainly seem possible that Brkich could siphon enough votes away from the Sask. Party to allow the NDP to win Saskatoon Southeast in a three-way race.

Allchurch — after having served as a Sask. Party MLA for 12 years, lost his party’s nomination in the Shellbrook constituency to now-Premier Scott Moe in 2011 — will be running in  Meadow Lake.

By splitting the right-wing vote, Allchurch would actually be providing a great service to the people of the province by helping the NDP to defeat thoroughly discredited “have gun will travel” Trade Minister Jeremy Harrison.

Who knows? Perhaps at the end of their ill-fated return to electoral politics, defeated SUP candidates Brkich and Allchurch might even consider purchasing NDP memberships?

Dave Morgan, Regina

Take care with mailboxes, candidate urged

Several years ago, we had a small mailbox. One day, we left early in the morning on an overnight trip before our mail was delivered. That day, we got a large envelope that was very obvious in sight to anyone, thieves included.

We came home the next day to find our front door wide open, our house in a mess and many items stolen — some of them uninsurable. After this very upsetting experience, I made a mailbox large enough to hold small- to medium-sized packages.

One candidate for Regina Public School Board has already made this mistake. His material went unread directly into our nearby recycling bin. He has lost my vote.

The same fate will happen to any other candidate whose material is placed so carelessly. Anyone who cannot grasp this basic fact is not smart enough to be part of any government that I want to support.

Jim Slough, Regina

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