Eric Adams’ indictment: Letters to the Editor — Sept. 28, 2024

The Issue: Mayor Adams indicted with federal corruption charges including bribery and fraud.

Mayor Adams finally got indicted (“ ‘I am a target,’ ” Sept. 26).

What took so long?

This bum has been showing his true colors since Day 1.

The first clue was when it was revealed that he was good buddies with make-believe pastor Lamor Whitehead.

There’s a good chance that they’ll get to spend time together again.

Adams is not the worst mayor of New York City in my lifetime.

That award goes to bumbling fool Rudy Giuliani.

But Adams is the most corrupt.

I’m a registered Democrat, but I’m proud to say I did not vote for this guy.

Kreg Ramone


I thought we lived in a democracy, and that a person is innocent until proven guilty?

Shame on all of the self-righteous and hypocritical politicians who call on the mayor to resign, when he has not even had his day in court.

As Winston Churchill once said: “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all others.”

Martin Garfinkle

Staten Island

I have long maintained that something smelled rotten in the Adams administration.

Where is his swagger now?

He has been indicted by federal prosecutors, and Gov. Hochul should prevent him from performing any further mayoral duties.

His appointees with checkered pasts have fled like rats from a sinking ship.

Joseph Valente

Staten Island

Mayor Adams has been in over his head ever since he was borough president of Brooklyn.

Now that he has been indicted, let’s see if Hochul has the backbone to remove him from office, because apparently he’s not smart enough to resign his position.

Let’s see how much she cares about the city of New York and its tax-paying citizens.

Gene O’Brien


The mayor has been indicated on federal charges.

These past months, many of his top administrators have resigned also, under the cloud of federal investigations.

It’s like watching the Titanic go down.

The mayor says he will fight these charges until the end.

Much like the captain of a sinking ship, he is going down slowly with his command.

The city itself may also be sinking as well.

Joseph Comperchio


The chickens have come home to roost, and New York City is now besieged by unsmiling FBI agents and over-zealous prosecutors looking to convict Mayor Adams, even as clueless world leaders descend upon Kips Bay at the United Nations.

And all of this chaos is going on the beleaguered taxpayer’s dime.

Ron Spurga


All the signs were there: late-night parties, fancy clothes, a shady administration made up of close friends, as all critics were met with a shout of “racist.”

And during that time, our once-great city has continued to spiral out of control.

John Avelli


Mayor Adams had raised eyebrows before his current indictment dilemma.

From the beginning, his judgment in regard to ethics and appearances were alarmingly flawed.

First, he tried to appoint his brother as his security chief for a six-figure salary.

He went on to provide a key position for his lady friend at the Department of Education, led by Chancellor David Banks.

In turn, the lady friend of Banks became a deputy mayor at City Hall.

In 2022, Adams appointed his ex-roomie Lisa White to an NYPD-created post at a $241,000 salary.

Philip Banks, former NYPD first deputy commissioner and unindicted co-conspirator in a bribery case, was appointed deputy mayor for public safety.

At every turn, judgment and appearances took second place to friendships and personal relationships for the mayor.

Phil Serpico, Queens

Never in my life — as a conservative Republican — would I think I would be in concurrence with a far-left politician like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (“AOC tops list of pols urging Adams to quit,” Sept. 26).

Miraculously, Adams has proved me wrong.

Steven F. Cassidy

Franklin Square

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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