‘Baby for $1000 and beer’: Couple’s signed contract to sell child to drunk man

A couple tried to sell their baby for a thousand dollars and some beer with a twisted self-made contract that said “no changing ya’lls mind”, according to court documents.

The child’s parents, Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, signed a letter granting custody and then handed him off to another, lead investigator Detective Wes Grube said in an affidavit cited by WREG News Channel 3.

The contract read: “I, Darien Urban and Shalene Ehlers, are signing our rights over to [Cody Martin] of our baby for $1,000 on 9/21/24.”

Darien Tyler Urban, 21, and his fiance allegedly signed a letter granting custody of their baby for a $1,000 cashier’s check. Benton County Sheriff’s Office

Shalene Faith Ehlers, 20, is also accused of trying to sell the baby boy to a man she and Urban met at a campground. Benton County Sheriff’s Office

The document, signed by both parents, included a disclaimer stating, “After signing this there will be no changing y’all two’s minds and to never contact again.”

Urban and Ehlers were arrested by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office on Sept. 21.

Both face felony charges of endangering the welfare of a minor and attempting to negotiate the relinquishment of a minor for adoption.

Their arrests came after a Hide Away Campground manager contacted the Benton County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) on Saturday, September 21, to report that Urban and Ehlers were trying to sell their baby boy to a resident onsite.

Police responded to the incident before calling emergency medical services (EMS), which transported the infant to Children’s Hospital for evaluation. At that time, Urban and Ehlers were not present.

Urban allegedly told investigators the baby was undergoing an “adoption.” Facebook / Shalene Ehlers

When deputies arrived on the scene, Ehlers and Urban were nowhere to be found, according to 4029TV.   Facebook / Shalene Ehlers

Witnesses reported that Ricky Crawford, a resident of the campground, had earlier visited the couple and offered to take their baby for the night in exchange for beer – to which they agreed, according to court documents.

Crawford later told cops he took the baby from the duo then gave him to Martin – who was staying in a camper onsite – because he was “concerned about the welfare” of the child.

According to court documents, Urban and Ehlers then approached Martin and offered to sell the baby for $1,000, the Kansas City Star reports.

Martin allegedly agreed to the deal on the condition they signed a contract that he then drew up which outlined their intention to surrender the baby for $1,000 the following Monday when he was supposed to have the money.

Urban and Ehlers signed the document.

In the meantime, the campground manager caught wind of the deal, and alerted authorities.

Urban and Ehlers were arrested before the deal was finalized and no money was exchanged.

Deputies spoke with several witnesses, including Ricky Crawford, who they said “smelled heavily” of alcohol, was slurring his words and was struggling to maintain his balance. Beaver Lake Hide-A-Way Campground

Police allege that Crawford appeared heavily intoxicated – slurring his speech and struggling to maintain his balance – when approached by authorities, according to court documents.

Court papers claim Urban then told investigators the child was with Martin and undergoing an “adoption.”

Urban was released on a $5,000 bond on Tuesday, Sept. 24. Ehlers remains in custody in Benton County Jail on a $30,000 bail. Both have criminal records, KNWA reports.

The baby boy is now in the care of the Arkansas Department of Human Service, according to prosecutors.

Last year, Urban created an online fundraiser saying he and Ehlers were struggling after the birth of their first child, a daughter.

“My daughter Rosa was born on May 20, 2023 and I’m super happy to be a dad, but I keep getting beat down every time I think life starts turning around,” it read.

“I’m trying to make this fundraiser because we live out of a motel right now and it’s taking all of my money from my paychecks from work. I work for Uber Eats. 

“Any funds we gain from this will be used to get a better roof over my family.”

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