Letters: Saskatchewan must protect, fund its public education system

Properly funding Saskatchewan public schools instead of funding private schools and the province’s finances and debt have letter writers concerned.

The need to safeguard and improve public education is essential — especially when challenged with actions that threaten these fundamental principles.

Now, more than ever, we must prioritize the needs of all students, support at-risk communities, foster inclusivity and champion evidence-based learning by defending public education that benefits all of us in society.

We must demand that decision makers at every level address the many important issues in our public education system including: stable funding for public schools; overcrowding within existing facilities; providing resources for students with special needs; addressing diverse needs; and recruiting additional personnel.

I firmly believe that the protection of public education is a shared responsibility. It is crucial to ensure that every child has the fundamental right to education.

Governments at all levels must step up and allocate essential funding to develop a strong and thriving public education system, rather than undermine or diminish its importance.

Ted Jaleta, Regina

(Jaleta is a Regina school board trustee seeking re-election.)

2024 election a repeat of 1980s elections

As it stands now, a rural voter holds more voting power than an urban voter. Basically, city dwellers should just walk over to the nearest toilet, drop our ballot in and pull the handle. This is why our province can never pull itself out of the ditch, when conservative parties keep steering our finances off the road.

Grant Devine put us $10 billion in debt and the Saskatchewan Party (the new alias for the old Progressive Conservatives) that rose from the ashes has now increased Saskatchewan’s current public debt to $31 billion. This system needs to change.

Howard Brass, Regina

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• Letters should be limited to no more than 250 words.
• Include your full name, address, phone number and home community so we can verify your identity. Only your name and community will be published.
• Emailed letters are preferred but they can also be sent to 300-1964 Park St., Regina, Sask., S4N 7M5

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