In 1971, a Canadian rode the Soviet premier like a horse and only spent two months in jail

A young man with a 1970s-bowl hairstyle burst through the crowd and leaped onto the back of the 67-year-old Russian

It happened in Canada: This series, on the revolutionaries, luminaries and criminals who have visited the Great White North, was originally published in 2014

Only one year before, Ottawa had swarmed with troops deployed to protect federal buildings and employees from the threat of Quebec extremists.

Four years before that, the halls of the Centre Block on Parliament Hill had shaken with percussion waves as an Alberta-born terrorist accidentally blew himself apart with a dynamite bomb.

Even in the innocent days of the early 1970s, there were plenty of reasons to be security-conscious in Ottawa.

And yet, on Oct. 18, 1971, with angry protesters all around, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau still decided it would be a good idea to stroll on Parliament Hill with a man thousands of people wanted to kill: Alexei Kosygin, the Soviet Union premier.

They only got a few steps before a young man with a 1970s-bowl hairstyle burst through the crowd and leaped onto the back of the 67-year-old Russian.

As news cameras rolled, he briefly rode the Communist leader like a horse before being slammed to the ground by security.

“Long live Hungary! Down with the Russians!” he screamed.

It was one of the few times in history a dissident had been able to physically harm a Soviet leader.

As Mr. Trudeau apologized to his guest, the young man was hustled off by the Mounties, some wearing ceremonial red serge and Stetsons.

“The RCMP dragged me into the [East Block of Parliament] … and as soon as the big wooden doors closed they let my hand go and said, ‘Nice going, but you shouldn’t have done it this way,’ ” said Geza Matrai, now a Toronto social worker.

Canada was spending a lot of time with Communists in the 1970s. Mr. Trudeau was a personal friend of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, he zoomed around the Kremlin on a police motorcycle during a state visit to the Soviet Union and he made sure Canada was one of the first Western nations to recognize the People’s Republic of China.

The 1971 visit by Mr. Kosygin, the USSR’s No. 2 after Leonid Brezhnev — had been designed as a way for Canada to break away from the United States by strengthening ties with the U.S.’s mortal enemy.

As Mr. Trudeau told the Soviets in Moscow a few months before, the “overpowering presence of the United States [was seen as a] danger to our national identity from a cultural, economic and perhaps even military point of view.”

Canada cozying up to the USSR obviously piqued the U.S., but the Canadian Prairies were also packed with enraged Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, Czechs and others who had seen their homelands fall under Soviet domination. Jewish Canadians, meanwhile, condemned the Soviet state for overt Jewish discrimination and blocking the immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel.

If Mr. Kosygin was going to spend eight days in Canada, these dissidents vowed he would never be far from an anti-Soviet placard or shouting crowd.

At one point during the visit, Ottawa was crammed with more than 10,000 protesters as an airplane circled overhead towing the banner, “Let them live as Jews or let them leave.”

The Hungarian-born Mr. Matrai was 12 in 1956, when Russian soldiers, equipped with the new AK-47 assault rifle, rolled in to crush a spontaneous people’s uprising against Moscow.

By Christmas, more than 2,000 Hungarians had been killed when his family got word the secret police were coming for his mother. She had apparently been reported for being “too enthusiastic” in treating wounded fighters.

Gathering their possessions into three suitcases, on Dec. 22 Mr. Matrai, his parents and his little sister slipped over the barbed-wire border into Austria. After several months in a European refugee camp, they made their way to Edmonton.

Mr. Matrai’s upbringing was Canadian enough (his first sexual experience was in a canoe), but he became a staunch anti-Communist demonstrator: Pro-Vietnam War, anti-draft-dodger and a member of the militantly anti-Soviet Edmund Burke Society.

It was thus, at age 27, he was among the busloads of supporters crowding Ottawa to protest the visit of a “tyrant, oppressor and mass murderer.”

As might be expected, the decision to run at the Soviet premier was spur-of-the-moment. But once Mr. Matrai started smashing through the police and media cordon, he said he set upon Mr. Kosygin’s staid, grey brush-cut, a stark contrast from the flamboyant 1970s hairdos of Mr. Trudeau’s entourage.

“Once I grabbed him, the first thing in my mind was, ‘Okay, I got him, now what the hell am I going to do with him?’ ” he said.

The attack did not cut Mr. Kosygin’s visit short, as was hoped. He brushed off the encounter uninjured and only a few days later was wearing a feather headdress and smoking a peace pipe with Alberta’s Ermineskin First Nation.

“I cannot regard the action of riff-raff … as the attitude of the people of Canada toward the Soviet Union,” he said later of the Ottawa protesters.

Mr. Matrai spent the rest of his visit in an Ottawa detention centre, and later served two months in jail. All in all, it was a light sentence for an action that — if committed in his native Hungary — would have prompted his execution.

More than 40 years later, the 70-year-old says he is still glad he was able to spoil Mr. Kosygin’s “propaganda tour.”

The Mounties and the KGB agents accompanying Mr. Kosygin dramatically ramped up security. The Soviet premier was never again allowed near unscreened members of the public — and police cars encircled his limo.

“Security, security, security, tighter than the tightest drum. And all because of Geza Matrai,” Seantor Colin Kenny, then an operations director in the Prime Minister’s Office, wrote in a 2009 reminiscence.

Said Mr. Matrai, “He had to travel like a bloody dictator should.”

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