Chris Cuomo blasts AOC for criticizing Israel’s pager attack on Hezbollah: ‘Would you have been defending Al Qaeda?’

TV anchor Chris Cuomo slammed progressive firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for denouncing Israel over its use of exploding pagers to kill Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.

Cuomo, the host of his prime time news talk show on the NewsNation cable channel, called out the “Squad” member after the New York Democrat accused Israel of “clearly and unequivocally violat[ing] international humanitarian law.”

“Why don’t you mention the pagers were on members of a terrorist organization that is committed to destroying Israel?” Cuomo shot back.

Chris Cuomo of NewsNation criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her comments on Israel.

“Would you have been defending Al Qaeda when America was lighting them up in Iraq?”

Ocasio-Cortez responded to Cuomo, noting that a nine-year-old Lebanese girl was one of two children killed in the pager attacks.

“What did the 9 year old girl who was killed do to deserve that, Chris?” she wrote.

“Insinuating that anyone who questions how operations unfold, including civilian casualties, is siding with terrorists is a deeply ugly rearing of our past. Would you cheerlead going back into Afghanistan?”

On his NewsNation show, Cuomo noted that Ocasio-Cortez’s office in Congress was vandalized by protesters.

Ocasio-Cortez criticized Israel for the pager attacks against the Lebanese-based terrorist group Hezbollah. AP

The congresswoman wrote on X that her office was “tagged with blood-splattered signs accusing [her] of supporting terrorism.”

“They must live under a rock to not know I don’t take well to bullies,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote.

On his Friday show on NewsNation, Cuomo said that Ocasio-Cortez was “dead wrong” about her criticisms of Israel — particularly over whether planting explosives inside pagers is a violation of US regulations.

“One, Israel is not one of the United States, so they don’t follow our laws or rules,” Cuomo said.

“Second, if the representative was suggesting by that comparison that the United States should therefore not support Israel, good luck with that.”

Cuomo said that the Pentagon’s Law of War Manual prohibited the “indiscriminate” use of booby traps.

Dozens of Hezbollah members were reportedly killed after explosives in their communications devices were detonated. AFP via Getty Images

He said Israel was justified in using the pager tactics because “a group of bloodthirsty terrorists [were] coming for [them].”

“So, did she not read that part because she’s not a lawyer or not thorough, or did she intentionally not want to be fair?”

Cuomo said that Ocasio-Cortez did not value her opponents as “humans” as she did herself — particularly in light of her reaction to her office being vandalized.

“Speak out against that, coming and doing these ugly things to my office,” Cuomo said.

“Imagine if they had sent a real bomb threat. That’d be way worse, right?”

Cuomo said Ocasio-Cortez failed to condemn the bomb threats made against Rep. Paulina Luna (R-Fla.), adding: “And she said nothing about the assassination attempts against former President Trump.”

Israel and Hezbollah have been trading missile and rocket fire over the Israeli-Lebanese border in recent days. REUTERS

“Clearly, she does not value her opponents as humans the way she does herself,” Cuomo said of Ocasio-Cortez.

“That is a bigger problem than her getting the law wrong and accusing an ally under siege of war crimes.”

The Post has sought comment from Ocasio-Cortez.

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