Oprah’s redirect shows that Kamala can’t give a straight answer on policy

Even Kamala Harris’ allies know she needs to start giving voters straight answers.

But can even Oprah Winfrey get through her?

At Thursday’s softball chat with Oprah at a Michigan event, audience member Justin asked the Democratic nominee how she planned to secure the border.

After three minutes of rambling, during which Harris absurdly blamed the migrant crisis on Donald Trump for stopping a bill this year, Winfrey stepped in to gently nudge Harris toward saying something of substance.

“So to answer Justin’s question, now that that bill has gone, it hasn’t passed, will you reintroduce that?” Oprah asked.

“Absolutely,” Harris said.

“When I am elected as president of the United States, I will make sure that bill gets to my desk, and I will sign it into law.”

That’s it: No details, no new ideas for addressing one of voters’ biggest concerns heading into the election.

A refresher: Most Republicans in Congress oppose the bill Harris pitches as a cure-all because it wouldn’t fix the border but would make the crisis worse by automatically handing work permits tor every migrant who gets rubber-stamped as an “asylum seeker,” boosting the incentive to flock here.

The whole exchange also dodges such questions as why the crisis began the day Biden-Harris took office and why they let it grow for years.

The rest of the event was no better: Asked about the crushing cost of living, Harris again blamed price-gouging (though she’s backed off her supposed solution to that), then fell back on two of the few policy (lame) ideas she keeps mentioning: $25,000 for (some) new homebuyers and a higher tax break for small-business startups.

Calling her a one-trick pony is giving her too much credit.

Oprah wants Kamala to win, but she’s also a messaging whizz (she became a billionaire off that talent) who plainly sees that the candidate’s refusal to offer any details on how she’s going to fix the problems voters most worry about is a losing strategy.

Winfrey teed up a perfect opportunity for Harris to hit it out of the park, and she still whiffed.

Americans don’t want platitudes; they want solutions.

But Harris can’t offer any even in the friendliest possible environment .

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