Opinion: Time to stand up against politics of division

The race is on for a new Liberal leader. As an MNA and proud English-speaking Quebecer, I urge you to get involved.

The English-speaking community is diverse and comes from all walks of life. We reside in all the corners of Quebec, in major city centres, in the suburbs, and in small farming and fishing communities in the regions. More than a million English-speaking Quebecers call Quebec their home. The historical contribution of the community to the success of Quebec should not be understated, and the community will have a vital part to play in the future of this province.

The Coalition Avenir Québec government of François Legault has consistently promoted a narrow-minded vision of politics that treats language as a zero-sum game. It has run roughshod over the rights of Quebecers and broken faith with the English-speaking community on many occasions.

There are many items on the list, such as: the cancellation of the Dawson College infrastructure project; Bill 96; the pre-emptive use of the notwithstanding clause; the attempt to abolish English school boards; and the unjustified increase in tuition fees for out-of-province students, which threatens the long-term vitality of Bishop’s, McGill and Concordia universities.

All of this comes when the community needs a government to step up and address the very real challenges that Quebecers face. These challenges include: the need for support in mastering the French language to enhance integration into the job market, and in accessing health care and social services in English; investing in aging school infrastructure; ensuring student success; strengthening community vitality across Quebec; and addressing the isolation of seniors whose children have left the province.

It seems clear this government has failed to take seriously the impact of the labour shortage, properly manage energy policy, address the housing crisis and tackle the rising cost of living. All this points to a chronic lack of foresight and incapacity to govern on the real issues. I fear Quebec will have to face the consequences for years to come.

But there is another way. There is a yearning for a different type of politics, one that builds on the strength diversity brings, that celebrates the success of all Quebecers and that is rooted in the simple belief that we are stronger together.

Contrary to the current government, we at the Quebec Liberal Party see the success of our universities and colleges as something to be cherished and something that elevates all of Quebec. We see in every Quebecer the talents and opportunities needed to build a prosperous society, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and sustain the quality and accessibility of our public services.

We must be clear-eyed. We have some real challenges ahead of us. We do not have the time for the divisive politics of the Legault government. It is time for you to get involved. There is a race to decide the next Liberal leader who will fight to become our next premier. Sign up to become a member and play a role in determining who that will be.

More than ever, now is the time to stand up and be counted.

Gregory Kelley is the Quebec Liberal Party member of the National Assembly for the riding of Jacques-Cartier.

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