No one knows what Kamala Harris believes, and that’s the REAL threat to democracy

Kamala Harris, as San Francisco DA, as a senator and in her run for the 2020 Democratic prez nomination, backed the decriminalization of prostitution — and won’t say if she’s changed her mind on this insane idea. 

Well, that’s one flip-flop she hasn’t officially made yet. 

Which is too bad, because like all soft-on-crime positions, it would be legally and morally disastrous, especially combined with the illegal immigration tidal wave she played a central role in unleashing. 

And she’s clearly keeping mum for tactical reasons, refusing request after request from this paper for a simple clarification of her current views. 

The whole sordid affair points up what is by far the most concerning thing about Harris’ current candidacy. 

No one has any idea what she really believes. 

Look at the “sex change operations for illegal immigrants” story. 

Harris in 2019 clearly, openly and unambiguously backed having Uncle Sam pay to provide sex-change operations to border-jumpers detained in ICE facilities. 

When Donald Trump called her out on this during their debate, the campaign responded with a word salad suggesting she’s changed her mind but by no means stating it clearly, and providing zero details about her current position. 

Or look at a much bigger-scale issue, fracking. 

Again — Harris previously, unambiguously, said she supported banning it. 


Seemingly she’s OK with it, but there’s little reason to believe that’s anything other than a desperate bid to win Pennsylvania, where the issue looms large. 

Last week she revealed she supports holding Israel hostage with military-aid freezes until it agrees to a ceasefire (i.e. a surrender to Hamas).

How long till she flops on that as well?

And on and on and on.

Most likely, Harris will always default to her roots in the San Francisco political machine: She is the radical her entire past history reveals her to be. 

Not the stern-but-sensible moderate her campaign and its media lapdogs are now trying to sell her as. 

Despite her inability to formulate a meaningful answer to any question without a teleprompter, Harris clearly realizes that backing far-left policies — like sex changes for illegals — is a short route to electoral disaster. 

So she means to fake to the center all the way to Election Day.

She may get away it, since most of the media has zero interest in holding her feet to the fire — quite the contrary. 

She’s Schrodinger’s Candidate, in other words. 

We won’t know if she’s a far-left extremist or a middle-of-the-road Dem unless we vote her in. 

Sure sounds to us like an attempt to subvert democracy by deceiving America.

But remember: Donald Trump’s the real “threat.”

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