Ex-NYC COVID czar complained ‘weenie’ de Blasio caved to teachers union, knowingly hurt kids by keeping schools closed

Former New York City coronavirus czar and sex party aficionado Dr. Jay Varma mocked former Mayor Bill de Blasio as a “weenie” who knowingly hurt children by caving to the teachers union, which wanted schools closed during the pandemic.

“He’s a bit of a weenie. He had a lot of problems,” Varma said in secretly recorded video which began percolating online this week.

He complained to an unnamed woman off-screen about de Blasio’s initial reluctance to force vaccine mandates on New Yorkers.

Former New York City covid czar Jay Varma blasted former mayor de Blasio as a “weenie.” Matthew McDermott

Blaz “didn’t have the courage to tell people to f—k off,” Varma said of his former boss. “I have mixed feelings about him because I worked closely with him and he’s not a good manager.”

Varma said de Blasio went against his own instincts in shuttering schools.

“I wanted kids in schools, the mayor wanted kids in schools, but the teacher’s unions didn’t,” Varma said. “The teacher’s unions wanted all the teachers to be able to stay home and Zoom so they’d be safe, even though it means that kids get hurt. So the mayor was screwed.”

“Kids learn more when [they’re] in school…when you’re an 8 or 9 year old you can’t sit in front of a f–king Zoom screen all day,” he said. “We didn’t have a choice, the mayor really wanted them in school but the unions didn’t.

He added de Blasio “didn’t tell the unions to just f—k off . . . because he needs them for votes.”

Jay Varma is taking head for admitting he attended sex parties during coronavirus. X / @scrowder

Varma — an architect of the city’s draconian coronavirus lockdowns — is facing a storm of outrage after admitting that while he forced New Yorkers to shelter in place, he enjoyed drug-fueled parties with his wife. Multiple City Council members have now called for a probe into Varma.

In one clip recorded on Aug. 14, Varma was filmed admitting it would have been a “real embarrassment” for the city if he had been busted at the non-socially distanced parties.

“We went to some, like, underground dance party … underneath a bank on Wall Street … We were all rolling, we’re all taking molly [MDMA] and everybody’s high. And I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in like a year and a half,” he said in the clip.

Multiple city lawmakers have now called for a probe into Varma’s activities. Paul Martinka

The footage was first leaked by Steven Crowder, a right-wing internet personality on Thursday. In a followup video Crowder later confronted Varma at a restaurant with his own damning quotes.

Varma defended himself by saying he was “babbling in what I thought was a date with somebody.”

“My wife and I have an open relationship,” he quickly added.

Varma is currently employed as the chief medical officer for a pharma company called SIGA Technologies, according to his LinkedIn.

In a statement Varma said “I take responsibility for not using the best judgment at the time.” He also condemned the footage as “spliced, diced, and taken out of context.”

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