Acting Columbia prez is just another anti-Israel lefty, proving the rot runs bone deep

Want proof that the Columbia University’s still all-in on Jew-hate even after the departure of disgraced ex-prez Minouche Shafik? 

Her interim replacement, Katrina Armstrong, just sided with the pro-Hamas thugs who terrorized Jews on campus and broke into a school building to “occupy” it.

“If you could just let everybody know who was hurt” by Shafik calling the cops on the encampments and occupiers “that I’m just incredibly sorry,”blubbered Armstrong to a student newspaper.

“I know it wasn’t me, but I’m really sorry . . . I saw it, and I’m really sorry.”

For her next act, maybe she can grovel over all the poor Nazis killed by Allies in World War II. 

The people “hurt” in this situation were the Jewish students the school administration was happy to see stalked, harassed and intimidated — and the rest of the non-terror-loving student body whose academic life was disrupted.

Where’s their apology?

And why on earth is Armstrong abjectly apologizing to the backers of Hamas, an Iranian proxy force bent on the destruction of the Jewish state and the genocide of its Jewish citizens?

The answer, plainly, is that Columbia — and every other elite school in the country — is institutionally A-OK with that. 

In the great Critical Race Theory taxonomy, Jews are oppressors, and thus it’s open season on them.

Cycling in new administrators amounts to nothing more than window-dressing in hopes alumni will reopen the giving faucet.

Armstrong’s a wokist from way back; she already mealymouthed around the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7.

So her current commitment to backing antisemitism shouldn’t surprise anyone, nor should the fact that she got the nod for Shafik’s job. 

Unless and until America’s elite schools face real consequences for letting brute squads run rampant on campus — donor revolts, congressional probes and hard-hitting new laws — the carnage will continue. 

Because Columbia and its peers want things that way. 

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