Secret Service can’t protect Trump: Letters to the Editor — Sep. 19, 2024

The Issue: Concern about the Secret Service’s ability to adequately protect Donald Trump.

How on God’s green earth can a former US president and current GOP nominee for president not have adequate Secret Service protection (“Agency in ‘course’ correct,” Sept. 18)?

With Trump poised to make the greatest comeback in US political history, and the lunatic left hell-bent on stopping him by any means necessary, Trump should have an airtight security detail that rivals the sitting president.

The fact that he doesn’t tells me the Biden-Harris administration wouldn’t lose sleep if he were assassinated.

I find that unconscionable.

Eugene Dunn


When asked during a press conference about the attempted assassination and whether the Secret Service did a sweep of the golf course perimeter, acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. deflected the question by simply saying the golf outing “wasn’t part of Trump’s schedule” — implying that they didn’t have time to drive around the course from the moment Trump decided to play golf in the morning until he got to the fifth hole in the afternoon.

This lame excuse is a dereliction of duty that, like the security failure at the first assassination attempt, calls for Rowe’s resignation.

Paul Kamenar

Chevy Chase, Md.

Trump should get additional Secret Service protection.

Such protection is necessary to prevent violent left-wing haters from completing their mission to stop him at any cost.

Robert Mangi

Garden City

Following the first assassination attempt on Trump, President Biden should have swiftly fired then-US Secret Service Director Kimberly Chea­tle for her patent incompetence in handling the matter.

Given this second serious lapse of protection for 45, active Director Rowe should be fired forthwith.

But, as Trump duly noted in his debate with Harris, no one gets fired in the Biden administration.

James Hyland


I get the impression that the Secret Service doesn’t care if the assassin is successful or not.

It is almost as if the agency makes it easy for assassins to shoot at Trump.

Hans Sander

Gordon, Australia

The Issue: Rich Lowry’s column on Trump’s “pet-eating” story and Biden’s open-border policies.

The shocking impact of our nonexistent borders and the complicity of our authorities are almost too outrageous to process (“The fur is flying in Ohio town,” Rich Lowry, Sept. 14).

How can the left continue to throw ordinary Americans under the bus while pretending everything is all right?

Samuel Frazer

Fort Myers, Fla.

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance is the culprit who invented the current Trump campaign lie that “illegal immigrants” from Haiti have invaded the pure American town of Springfield, Ohio and have, among other things, killed and eaten a cat as well as cleansing a local pond of its resident ducks and geese which they have also allegedly eaten.

He said all of this without anything close to enough proof.

Trump and Vance are teammates in pushing the greatest lie and hoax the country has seen in this generation.

They must not be allowed to succeed.

They must be punished by the American voters on Nov. 5 for this incident of stupidity.

Raoul Contreras

San Diego, Calif.

The misleading memes about cats getting or being about to get eaten by very hungry migrants in Ohio are not at all funny for us cat fans.

Frank Sterle Jr.

White Rock, Canada

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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