Sept. 11 terrorists spared death penalty: Letters to the Editor — Aug. 3, 2024

The Issue: Federal prosecutors reach a plea deal with the alleged masterminds of Sept. 11 attacks.

The Biden administration is now accepting a plea deal from the terrorists that orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, including its alleged mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (“Atrocity of justice,” Aug. 1).

I find that an absolute disgrace and totally unacceptable: a slap in the face for all the families who lost their loved ones in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Close to 3,000 people got killed that day, and unfortunately there are still people who are dying from related injuries or exposure 23 years after the attacks happened.

I responded to the World Trade Center that day as a member of the FDNY. The last time that I had witnessed such devastation was when I was in Vietnam. There should be no plea deals for convicted terrorist.

Rob Johann


To this day, I remembered what New York City was like on the day of the attacks. I will never forget.
I lived in Boca Raton, Fla., and would fly up to the city for work. I lost friends and was traumatized. Even my ex-wife was looking out for me on that fateful day. Thousands died.

How dare this incompetent administration allow these murderers to be allowed to live in prison into old age. They destroyed thousands of lives as well as killing thousands.

Steve Landes

Boynton Beach, Fla.

That those who lost loved ones waited 23 years for justice, only to hear Mohammed will get a plea deal for a life sentence instead of an execution, boggles the mind.

Our present leadership is a cesspool of weak-kneed hypocrites who have turned their backs on nearly 3,000 innocent American lives lost as well as their loved ones.

Joseph Valente

Staten Island

Although the plea deal includes a provision that the sentence can never be appealed, life imprisonment still leaves a slight opening for a future president, who maybe doesn’t possess a passionate desire to see these sentences sit until finality, to send an aged, sickly man home.

It has happened before. How many cop-killers have had their sentences reduced by uncaring, liberal governors? Life imprisonment doesn’t always end with life imprisonment.

Rick Cabrera


I am saddened but not shocked at the horrendous decision that was made regarding the terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.

The direction that the progressive Democratic Party has taken, with the arrogance of the “Squad” and the rise of antisemitic incidents, along with Congress’ attitude regarding Israel, is taking us away from all the values we, as Americans, have long stood for.

Maureen Sharkey


The outrages of the left never stop. Twenty-three years after 9/11, Rear Admiral Aaron C. Rugh, the chief prosecutor, signs off on pleas for the masterminds of a catastrophe that killed thousands.

Why a plea deal? Simply because the interrogation was a bit rough?

They say that the president was not involved in the decision; it’s a national disgrace.

Gary Layton

Interlaken, NJ

Instead of being honest about what really caused the plea agreement made between the government and these terrorists, The Post wants to lay blame at the feet of the Biden administration (“Final Insult to Families,” Editorial, Aug. 1).

Perhaps you should have mentioned that all of the procedural delay was the result of the inability of the government to put these thugs on trial after roughly 20 years, due to the illegal torture and waterboarding (dozens of times at least in one instance) which tainted their confessions.

Not only was there a good chance that their confessions may have been tossed by the military judge, but a trial, which wouldn’t have started for some time, would have taken close to another two years, not to mention appeals. Call it like it is.

Louis J. Maione


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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