Biden’s plan to ‘reform’ the Supreme Court: Letters to the Editor — July 31, 2024

The Issue: President Biden’s proposal to implement 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices.

President Biden is advocating to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices and a code of conduct provision because the leftist party he represents isn’t winning in the court (“Joe & Kamala’s supreme scheme,” July 30).

Biden, if anything, is a prime example of why this country needs term limits. He is a pathological liar who should be giving seminars on how to lie effectively without being challenged.

Worse, Biden has been a disaster for this country and a corrupt politician who enhanced the financial well-being of his family at the expense of his our country.

Bob Yusko

Valley Cottage

So now our senile president wants to change the Supreme Court because he doesn’t like some decisions made by said court.

Term limits, really? Hey, I have an idea, President Biden: Why not work toward term limits for Congress?

Philip Vallone


Biden demanded an overhaul to the Supreme Court to “strengthen our democracy.”

Term limits for justices? How about term limits for Congress?

Rightfully interpreting the Constitution, the court has stifled Biden’s unconstitutional mandates. So if anything, the Supreme Court is the only thing protecting this country from an end to its democracy.

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

President Biden has proposed an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices.

This may be a fair request, considering that our presidents are limited to two four-year terms. We should also require all national legislators and appointed federal judges to have term limits.

I do not believe our founding fathers envisioned the concept of unrestricted tenures running for 30 or 40 years in our legislative bodies.

Bob Sweeney

Warwick, RI

Eighteen-year term limits? Why didn’t he support that legislation in Congress and the US Senate? What a phony.

Mark Laurenti

Columbus, NJ

I wonder if President Biden would be bringing up his proposed Supreme Court changes and reforms if the court had a Democratic, left-leaning majority instead of the current Republican, right-leaning majority.

For some reason, I do not think that would happen. Because the court’s philosophy does not align with the Democrats’ thinking, the left wants to change the rules of the game. Democrats, however, can’t simply rewrite the rules of the game just to suit their agenda.

Alan Brooks


Maximum term lengths or ages could be problematic.

While the general feeling is that 80 is too old to contribute to decision-making, former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was 87 at the end. Stacking the Supreme Court with more members from one’s “side” could also eventually lead to a court with too many members.

These are not viable long-term solutions.

Dennis Fitzgerald

Melbourne, Australia

In proposing 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices, Biden did not mention that those term limits would require a constitutional amendment, nor did he mention that they wouldn’t solve the court’s “politicization” problem.

This is because his proposal would retain presidential appointment and Senate confirmation of justices.

Thomas Knapp

Gainesville, Fla.

I would agree with the term limit, but not as an even number ending in an even year. This can promote electioneering.

A new justice’s term should expire after 17, not 18, years after the last inauguration of the last elected president — regardless of whether that president is still alive and in office.

A 17-year term, as opposed to 18, could make a Congress standing for midyear election think twice about refusing to conduct confirmation hearings. Moreover, a larger court can be a better buffer against radical and reactionary influences alike.

Nappy Martin

Great Barrington, Mass.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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