Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration

Progressive Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday and called for “comprehensive immigration reform” — including a “pathway to citizenship”, i.e., amnesty, for 11 million illegal immigrants.

She then said the quiet part out loud, admitting that a President Kamala Harris “will work with Congress to get that done.”

This Democratic call for amnesty is nothing new.

One of the first acts of the Biden-Harris administration was to release a framework for the “U.S. Citizenship Act.”

Ignore the title: that bill would have put virtually every illegal immigrant in the United States — including serious criminals — on a path to citizenship, while at the same time opening the door for aliens deported under Trump to return.

What’s more, that Biden-Harris proposal would have weakened immigration enforcement and doubled future legal immigration.

Any popular support for the bill evaporated when millions of unvetted illegal migrants poured over the Southwest border, more than a few motivated by the prospect of a fresh amnesty and a shot at lavish government benefits.

Still, congressional Democrats kept trying, next attempting to exploit legislative “budget reconciliation” loopholes to push through a more modest (but still extremely costly) amnesty that would have benefitted “only” 6.5 million illegal immigrants.

That effort was repeatedly stymied by the nonpartisan Senate parliamentarian.

But had the reconciliation amnesty come to the floor, Harris would almost definitely have cast the deciding vote (it had zero Republican support in the closely divided Senate) to make it law.

That defeat didn’t deter Sen. Chuck Schumer from taking to the Capitol steps in November 2022 to demand an amnesty for so-called “Dreamers,” unlawfully present aliens brought to this country as children.

He apparently couldn’t help himself at the time from admitting that this effort was simply a stalking horse for the party’s “ultimate goal” — “a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented, there are here.”

Thanks to the Biden-Harris border debacle, the number of “undocumented” is now well north of 13 million, but that surge likely plays into Democrats’ amnesty plan.

The last major amnesty passed on a bipartisan basis in 1986, and proponents’ strongest talking point was that the illegal population — then just over 4 million — had grown so large that legalization was the only option, coupled with a promise of more serious future enforcement.

Illegal immigrants got their amnesty, but it simply encouraged even more of them to come here.

And of course, the promise of beefed-up enforcement never came to fruition.

If Kamala Harris wins this fall, and Democrats control enough of the legislature, it will be deja vu all over again.

Don’t say we haven’t been warned.

Andrew Arthur is the fellow in law and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies.

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