Wild Trump shooting video shows cops surround building, then a barrage of gunfire: ‘They got him right in the head. Big poof of hair’

Shocking new footage from the assassination attempt on Donald Trump shows local cops with guns drawn surrounding the building where Thomas Crooks opened fire — fully two minutes and 10 seconds before the shooting.

The video later shows a barrage of gunfire, and then the crowd’s reaction to Crooks being shot and killed by the Secret Service, with one witness commenting that it must have been a headshot because of the “big poof of hair.”

As the video unfolds, Trump can be heard in the background speaking to the crowd at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13 — but no attempt was made to get him off the stage.

The clip – posted to X by user realDJStew724 — was taken at the base of the AGR International factory as Crooks was perched on top with an AR-15 rifle trained at the former president.

“There’s f–king cops surrounding this whole entire f–king building right now,” a woman standing nearby said as the police officers moved around the building and Trump continued speaking in the rally behind, completely unaware of the danger unfolding.

After a tense two minutes and ten seconds of bystanders advising each other to “make yourself small,” somebody screams “He’s got a gun!” and a loud bang erupts, quickly followed by a burst of gunfire and the sound of bullets ripping overhead.

The volley is punctuated by a final shot, as the bystanders hunkering for cover try to figure out what happened.

Thomas Crooks was confronted by police officers a full 30 seconds before he opened fire on Donald Trump NY Post

“Did they pick him off?” the cameraman asks somebody nearby.

“F–k yeah, I saw a big poof of hair go up in the air. They got him right in the head. Big poof of hair,” a man replies, at the same moment a cheer erupts from the rally behind them as Trump got to his feet, bloodied, and raised a fist.

It remains unclear exactly how long the police were surrounding the building before Dave began filming, but law enforcement sources told The Post that 25-30 to seconds passed between a local cop confronting Crooks on the roof of the building and Crooks opened fire. The Butler Township police officer retreated when Crooks pointed his rifle at the cop, authorities previously said.

The new details suggest there was time to get Trump off stage before the shooting. However, details coming from the congressional investigations of the shooting show that the Secret Service and local cops had trouble communicating with each other that day — so it’s unclear whether the agents protecting Trump knew about the sniper on the roof in advance.

The secret service sprang into action within moments of the first shot — but appeared not to know about the threat before AP

Exactly how law enforcement reacted in those 30 seconds – and possibly the more than two minutes seen in the footage — could play a central part in the ongoing FBI investigation into the rally, former FBI special agent and SWAT team leader James Galiano told The Post, as it could reveal the holes in the communications protocols set up by the Secret Service that day.

“On its face that that is an exceedingly long amount of time, but 30 seconds goes by quick in crisis situations,” Gagliano said. “I know how critical it is — but also how difficult it is — to coordinate with agencies and departments that you’ve never worked with before.”

“But Secret service is the lead. So ultimately, the responsibility is going to come back on them,” he added, pointing out that until the investigation is concluded there were plenty of other glaring problems in what he called a “colossal failure” of a day.

Thomas Crooks, 20, was shot dead moments after he opened fire on Trump AP

Other shortcomings include the roof where Crooks climbed — which was 130 yards from Trump’s stage — being left completely unsecured, and law enforcement being made aware of Crooks’ suspicious activity nearly 100 minutes before the shooting but failing to intervene.

Crooks had even been surveying the rally grounds with a drone about two hours before the rally, yet law enforcement failed to investigate it — and if they had they may have discovered the rifle, 50 rounds of bullets, improvised explosives, and a ladder stashed in his car parked nearby.

“That’s low hanging fruit,” Gagliano, the FBI expert, said of the drone blunder, pointing out that it doesn’t matter how commonplace drones are these days — security should have seen it an investigated.

“You always assume the worst and work backwards from that. You always assume the worst case scenario. You ensure anything that’s possible has been mitigated, that you’ve thought it through.”

“We call it in the business cascading systems failures. When one thing happens, it leads to another, and then another,” he added. “That’s how bad things happen.”

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