Protesters prove Zionism’s point, Democratic party is still broken and other commentary

Mideast beat: Protesters Prove Zionism’s Point

The “demonstrators roiling our campuses and cities” are “making a powerful case for Zionism,” asserts Gerard Leval at The Wall Street Journal. “In 1896 Theodor Herzl, a Viennese journalist and very assimilated Jew,” called “for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the biblical land of Israel” and “set into motion the modern Zionist movement.” Decades later, it’s “easy” to be “complacent about the condition of Jews in the Diaspora,” yet “antisemitism has dramatically surfaced, and Jews are being intimidated.” Anti-Israel protesters, therefore, “are giving full credence” to the rationale for Zionism — by proving that “only in a secure Israel, a nation of and for the Jewish people, can Jews be certain that they won’t be persecuted by reason of who they are.”

From the left: Democratic Party Is Still Broken

The Democratic Party is “hollow and lumbering,” a party “unsure of what it collectively stands for,” argues Lee Drutman at The New Republic — despite Kamala Harris’ ascent. Biden’s withdrawal “exposed serious, troubling problems in the party and in our two-party system more broadly.” We need to ask, “What is the Democratic Party today, anyway? Who is in charge?” Party elders like Nancy Pelosi “have enormous power but are cautious to use it.” “Donors exert considerable influence on a party, too, but they are fractured.” And the DNC delegates will “almost certainly anoint Harris as the party’s nominee” in Chicago “as instructed.” No wonder that in the latest Gallup poll, “just 23 percent of Americans identified themselves as Democrats — the lowest number in the poll’s 90-year history.”

Foreign desk: Team Biden’s Epic China Fail

“The Biden administration’s China policy” has been an utter “failure,” declares The Federalist’s Helen Raleigh. Why? Because it “lacks clarity and is full of contradictions.” Despite claims to the contrary, for example, the US “chip export restriction has not been strictly enforced, and China still has access to Nvidia’s advanced AI chips.” Plus, “Biden’s green initiatives have been an economic gift for China and only deepened the U.S. economy’s dependency” on Chinese-produced “solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries for electric vehicles.” During President Biden’s term, China has “increased its geopolitical aggressions” against Taiwan, the Philippines and the United States. And for the first time “strategic bombers” from China and Russia “operated together near North America.”

Media watch: Rebranding Kam as a ‘Moderate’

“Within hours” of becoming the presumed Democratic nominee, “Vice President Kamala Harris’ moderate makeover began,” quips Robert Knight at The Washington Times. The media simply “glossed over” her “radical past while playing up her ‘tough on crime’ credentials.” Fact is, as a US senator, “she had a more leftist voting record even than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders,” co-sponsoring his Medicare for All bill, the Equality Act and the Do No Harm Act, forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions and gender transition surgeries. She backed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s $10 trillion Green New Deal and sought to abolish the filibuster to pass it. As recently as last week, she skipped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. “And the media wonder why so many Americans have no trust in them.”

Conservative: Elites’ Ruinous Social Engineering

“Half the country thinks something has gone drastically wrong in America, to the point that it is rapidly becoming unrecognizable,” warns American Greatness’ Victor Davis Hanson. “Almost everything in revolutionary America has ‘evolved’ beyond silly notions like ‘meritocracy’ and ‘standards’ and has instead become DEI hot-wired.” Yet “DEI, like open borders, was predicated on the idea that the good one percent who ran the country was too good to experience the trickle-down from the commissar system it imposed on others. Ditto the top-down green revolution.” The result: “a shrill elite that subjects their Jacobin theories upon a distant other but has absolutely no intention of ever getting near the very disasters they wrought, much less suffering the collateral damage that was inevitable from their social engineering.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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