Kamala Harris must still hold Biden’s border, inflation baggage — even as Dems’ myth-making machine fires on all cylinders

Kamala Harris is enjoying a honeymoon of sorts — the media handmaidens are giddy with excitement over her TikTok coconut memes. She is girl power personified, the female Obama, a strutting, dancing, exuberant Wonder Woman gushing on the phone with her besties Michelle and Barack.

The belated endorsement by the Obamas caught on camera and pumped out on social media in a cringe-inducing campaign video last week was typical of her terminal inauthenticity and social ineptitude.

The two Obamas haughtily uttered 55 words between them and were on the phone for a total of 20 seconds, but Kamala cooed and gushed so effusively you would think she had just won an Oscar. 

Her over-enthusiastic response looked as if it had been filmed in several takes without the Obamas on the line. It’s no wonder she has not done any interviews or unscripted events since being anointed Joe Biden’s heir apparent. Party powerbrokers still have not spelled out why Joe had to go because, if they admit that he’s too cognitively impaired to run for re-election, then he has no business being president for another six months.

In his graceless, self-pitying exit speech, the president never explained why he was dropping out. In fact, he told us his record as president “merited a second term.” It was party “unity” that required him to fall on his sword. 

The party machine has so far papered over the anger of the Bidens which was evident in the sullen faces of Dr. Jill and Hunter and assorted other family members watching on in the Oval Office.

Although saccharine eulogies are being laid on thick by the usual suspects, it’s unlikely to be enough to salve Joe’s ego throughout the lame-duck period to come. He and Kamala have an inherent conflict of interest which will surely erupt in public acrimony. He cares only about his legacy, and she needs to win an election. She will have to throw him under the bus to try to rewrite her own problematic history.

Problematic legacy

The Biden-Harris legacy she has to defend is crippling inflation and 10 million-plus illegal migrants, including terrorists and sexual predators.

Add in her radical leftist past and it’s a recipe for a rout. It was only three months ago that CNN pundits were lamenting swing vote polling that showed she was a drag on Biden’s re-election prospects 

When she speaks all you hear are inane platitudes straight out of Dr. Seuss. Who could forget this sophisticated geopolitical analysis: “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine.” 

She has achieved nothing on merit. Every plum job has been handed to her by powerful men. She is a man’s woman. Every woman knows the type and instinctively does not trust her. Everything about her drips with insincerity. 

Whatever else you say about Donald Trump, what you see is what you get. He is always the same, whether he’s on the golf course or behind the Resolute desk. He doesn’t change his accent or his outfits to pander to different audiences. He is just Trump. But who is Kamala?

She was nurtured in the warm bathwater of California progressive politics. She has never built the antennae or political agility necessary to work both sides of the aisle.

Take a closer look

On paper she looks good. She is attractive, youngish (22 years younger than Joe), a woman of color, a former senator, prosecutor, California attorney general. But that is where the appeal ends. The reality of Kamala is a toxic mess of inanity, insecurity, inappropriate laughter and off-putting coquetry.

Not only is she every bit a DEI hire, as Joe Biden himself said when he declared he was looking for a black female running mate. She is reportedly abrasive behind closed doors, judging by the high staff turnover and leaks from ex-aides who said she never did the work and then blamed them when she fell flat on her face. 

She is an anti-Catholic bigot who promotes divisive racial policies. As a senator she once berated a Catholic judicial nominee for belonging to the Knights of Columbus.

She promotes the rancid notion of “equity” which she helpfully defined as equality of outcome, the very basis of communism. She doesn’t think deeply enough to have acquired an actual ideology, so I hesitate to call her a communist. She is just an opportunist, riding the latest fad.

Sensible Republicans are sounding a note of caution, suggesting that she may have electoral potency, although that is more about Democrat expertise at the dark art of “getting out the vote” in blue cities in swing states. But in the normal course of events, she is personally unpalatable and a frivolous choice at a time of international peril with two serious wars threatening to spin out of control. 

Despite attempts by media handmaidens to erase her history as Border czar, there is ample video evidence that she was handed the poison portfolio of managing the illegal migrant crisis. 

She avoided going to the border, with her eye only on selfish optics rather than the welfare of the country or the pride of a job well done. She refashioned the role into some amorphous root cause gig where she jetted around to a few countries and handed out our money. 

‘Been to the border’

Her excruciating “We’ve been to the border” interview with Lester Holt was perhaps the nadir of her vice presidency, although it’s hard to choose. The attack ads write themselves. 

She has been enthusiastically in favor of every bad idea the left has dreamed up in the last decade: open borders, cashless bail, banning fracking, Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, racist identity politics. 

Her boosters think they will cast her as The Prosecutor versus The Felon. But as the original Soros prosecutor she is really the anti-law and order candidate. Installed with the help of her lover Willie Brown as San Francisco’s district attorney in 2003 and California’s attorney general in 2010 she owns the crime infested hellhole they have become. 

The only job Joe gave her that she took up with gusto was abortion czar and, whatever your position, ripping babies out of the womb just before birth is not really an uplifting thing to be defined by. Her greatest achievement is to be the first vice president to visit an abortion clinic. How invigorating. 

A healthy fear of Democrat dirty tricks is necessary, but the party’s current predicament can only be seen as the product of institutional incompetence.

What Dems have is an uncanny ability to paper over the truth, because they control the myth-making machinery — the media, Hollywood and academia. 

But that leads to arrogant complacency. You become sheltered from reality. You don’t see that there are just some truths you can’t disguise, like the senility of a delusional old man or the inanity of a flibbertigibbet who behaves as if she’s auditioning for a reality show called “Real Housewives of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

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